Linde to Power Merc B-Class F-Cell World Drive

Linde to Power Merc B-Class F-Cell World Drive

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B Class F Cell 597x364 Linde to Power Merc B Class F Cell World Drive

Near the tail-end last January, Mercedes-Benz kicked-off the F-Cell World Drive–taking 3 B-Class F-Cell vehicles on a trip around the globe in 5 legs on hydrogen power. With the US part of the fifth leg slated to start on February 25, Linde North America has proclaimed that it is the one that will help power the trio of automotive globetrotters as they go across 32 cities in the continent starting from Fort Lauderdale, Florida all the way to Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.

Here’s something from the official PR statement of the company, a gases and engineering firm. “Linde has years of hydrogen fueling experience encompassing both stationary and mobile technologies. We are proud that Mercedes-Benz has recognized this experience and our innovative capabilities and has chosen us as their exclusive hydrogen fueling partner for the tour.”

The 5 legs of the F-Cell World Drive will test the mettle of Mercedes-Benz’s electric vehicles and the sum of the various technologies in them. It will take the cars over 4 continents, traversing some 14 nations within a span of 125 days–a number that coincides with Daimler’s celebration of the automobile’s 125th year.

The path of the North American leg of the World Drive includes stops in 8 cities within which there are Linde plants that can refuel the three B-Class F-Cells.

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