Maybach 57S Cruiserio Premieres At Geneva

Maybach 57S Cruiserio Premieres At Geneva

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In spite of Maybach’s sales performance, or maybe because of it, Daimler has seen fit to show the Xenatech Maybach 57S Cruiserio Coupe at Geneva, coinciding with the Auto Show there which opens this week. But a showroom floor is not a fitting place to showcase the ultra-luxury, -expensive and exclusive Maybach 57S. To provide the proper atmosphere, the Maybach Cruiserio is being displayed at a special pavilion in the gardens of the “La Reserve” Hotel situated by Lake Geneva. This is the official world premier for the Xenatech-built Cruiserio, which has had its first customer delivery a few months ago to a buyer in Saudi Arabia.

Since most of us have to ask, the Cruiserio is priced at a little under $930,000. Despite being built by German coachbuilder Xenatech, the Cuiserio is warranted by Daimler for four years without any mileage limitations. As expected of an ultra-luxury vehicle, only premium items are used, such as buffalo and Nappa leather for the interior lit by a custom panoramic roof.

Motive power comes from a V12 twin-turbo engine displacing 6 liters. Providing 612 horsepower and 737 pounds-feet of torque, the Cruiserio can hit 60 miles per hour in under 5 seconds. Maximum speed is 170 miles per hour but then in a car like this, what matters is not when you arrive but how.

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