Despite Being a V6, the New C43 AMG Sounds Great

Despite Being a V6, the New C43 AMG Sounds Great

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c43 amg sounds

The AMG enthusiast within me has been searching for a good video that showcases just how good the C43 AMG sounds, fortunately, I found the video below. It’s a slightly muted tone, because of the turbos, but it is a smooth and bellowing noise, right up until up-shift, and you get a delightful bark from the tailpipes, almost as if the crack of a whip is sending it back down a few hundred RPM in immediate preparation for the next gear. Combined with the pops you get with every lift of the throttle, it makes for a very soulful engine. It may not be as visceral as the V8 brethren, but you won’t be mistaking it for a Camry.

It is nice to know that you can still opt for the V8 turbo unit in the C63, but for what you get in the C43, you won’t be lacking for a thrilling audio soundtrack. And you’re not short on horsepower either. 367 horsepower certainly is a lot more than the original C43 was able to muster, so I feel that it is in good standing within the AMG line. What about you?

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Patrick Morgan is an instructor at Chicago's Autobahn Country Club and contributes to a number of Auto sites, including MB World, Honda Tech, and 6SpeedOnline. Keep up with his latest racing and road adventures on Twitter and Instagram!

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