eGarage Interviews one of the Coolest Gullwing Owners of All Time

eGarage Interviews one of the Coolest Gullwing Owners of All Time

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Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing Lens Flare

Owner says, “It gets driven often. It’s driven hard.”

When the owner of this Mercedes-Benz 300SL was 10 years old, he assembled a plastic model of a Gullwing Benz and said to himself, “Someday I’m going to have one of these things.” Thirty years later, his dreams became a reality, and the folks at eGarage have shared his story in another one of their beautifully shot videos.

Here’s something the owner said in the video that every car-loving youngster should read.

“Everybody should be able to set a goal as a 10-year-old child and fulfill it. There was no miracle in my story. I think it shows that anybody can do anything if you start early enough, and keep that dream alive.”

For you future 300SL owners, please follow this man’s example: not only does he drive his Gullwing, but he also uses it for road trips. There are plenty of 300SL owners out there who limit the enjoyment of their classics by overdoing it on the preservation front — don’t be one of them, or worse, someone who thinks HWA’s “special edition” Gullwing is a good idea.

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