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jcmas 10-04-2012 08:56 AM

E85 mix with 93 octane
Today i'm mixing my tank 60/40 93/E85 has anyone done this? Hoping tosee power gains my local tuning shop said i would see gains and i trust them.

jctevere 10-05-2012 08:12 PM

I'm 99.99% sure the C250 can't run on E85 fuel... The only W204 model that previously could take advantage of E85 "Flex Fuels" was the C300 sedan 2008-2011. However, this is not applicable on 4matic models, and only pertained to RWD models. I am not sure that the 2013+ models retain this felxibility, as it is a different engine. Furthermore, E85 certainly does not provide more power or efficiency, if anything it is more sluggish, dirtier and less fuel economy. Additionally, you should NEVER mix regular fuel and e85 (on cars that support it); it is recommended you run the tank near empty and switch fuel type entirely.

I'm sorry, but ditch your local "tuning shop" they have no idea what they are talking about - and if you already added E85 fuel to your tank, ask if they will cover the cost to get your tank pumped empty... If you see this message before you fill up or mix your car - DON'T DO IT! If you have done it and your car is still miraculously still runs - cease use immediately and have your fuel system flushed. :smash:

ArthurJGuy 10-18-2012 01:31 PM

I'm late to the party here but do NOT mix them that much.

E85 has an entire different stoichometric ratio than pump fuel does.

Also, E85 has less energy per volume than pump fuel, meaning you will NOT make more power just by using it and you will lose fuel economy. The reason people are able to use E85 and make more power is because of it's higher latency to resist pre-detonation, meaning that you can use more boost (on a boosted car at least) and run a more aggressive timing map.

If they are telling you that you can just pump E85 in it and go, they are very very wrong.

gabec007 11-16-2012 12:40 PM

Just wondering what ever came of this? I will say I have tested e85 on several cars (mainly rental cars). I never had a problem, except on two pf the cars I got a lean code. However, the light went off once I filled back up with regular gas. If you have the turbo model C250 you could make power gains on the e85. The issue though will be the ability of the Fuel Pump and Fuel injectors to keep up with the higher flow rate of e85. This may be why the shop said to blend the two fuels. I've heard mixed stuff about how they mix together in the gas tank. But being e85 is 15% gas, I'm sure it has to in some way. Personally I have converted a supercharged car that I have to e85 (I did change out my fuel pump and injectors though). My power went up about 40whp and 70wtq. This was on a Pontiac though, not a Mercedez so the systems may be very different?

Andersljungberg 04-20-2024 04:20 PM

[QUOTE=jcmas;5381252]Idag blandar jag min tank 60/40 93/E85 har någon gjort detta? I hopp om att se kraftvinster sa min lokala trimbutik att jag skulle se vinster och jag litar på dem.[/QUOTE

Regarding E85 on mercedes w124 E220 1994 you can read on a forum

23% e85 works great, the car runs better and smoother

38% e85 then the car became noticeably more sluggish and tough

32% e85 the car became noticeably more lively and runs great again

so the limit seems to be about 35% e85 for this car.

Another post about the same car model, the car becomes noticeably more lively at already 25%,

Andersljungberg 04-20-2024 04:27 PM

[QUOTE=ArthurJGuy;5399143]Jag är sen till festen här men blanda INTE dem så mycket.

E85 har ett helt annat stökometriskt förhållande än pumpbränsle har.

Dessutom har E85 mindre energi per volym än pumpbränsle, vilket betyder att du INTE kommer att få mer kraft bara genom att använda den och du kommer att förlora bränsleekonomi. Anledningen till att människor kan använda E85 och göra mer kraft är på grund av dess högre latens för att motstå pre-detonation, vilket innebär att du kan använda mer boost (åtminstone på en boostad bil) och köra en mer aggressiv tidskarta.

Om de säger till dig att du bara kan pumpa E85 i den och gå, har de väldigt fel.[/QUOTE
There are car sports where you use fuels with even less energy but that still produces more power. The reason is probably that the fuel contains more oxygen

Andersljungberg 04-20-2024 04:38 PM

[QUOTE=jctevere;5383390]Jag är 99,99 % säker på att C250 inte kan köras på E85-bränsle... Den enda W204-modellen som tidigare kunde dra fördel av E85 "Flex Fuels" var C300 sedan 2008-2011. Detta är dock inte tillämpligt på 4matic-modeller och avser endast RWD-modeller. Jag är inte säker på att 2013+-modellerna behåller denna flexibilitet, eftersom det är en annan motor. Dessutom ger E85 verkligen inte mer kraft eller effektivitet, om något är den trögare, smutsigare och mindre bränsleekonomi. Dessutom bör du ALDRIG blanda vanligt bränsle och e85 (på bilar som stöder det); det rekommenderas att du kör tanken nästan tom och byter bränsletyp helt.

Jag är ledsen, men lämna din lokala "tuningbutik" de har ingen aning om vad de pratar om - och om du redan har lagt till E85-bränsle i din tank, fråga om de kommer att täcka kostnaden för att få din tank tom... Om du ser det här meddelandet innan du fyller på eller blandar din bil – GÖR DET INTE! Om du har gjort det och din bil fortfarande mirakulöst fortfarande går - sluta använda omedelbart och få ditt bränslesystem spolat. :smash:[/CITAT
]Now this was a long time ago, did you know what E85 was at the time. E 85 means 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. so answer yes ethanol and gasoline can be mixed. All cars from type 2011 or 2012 must be able to handle 10% ethanol in Europe in the USA and maybe even earlier. how much the car can otherwise withstand can be checked by connecting a small data unit to the car. so that the fuel pump does not become overworked, for example. Many cars can also be converted to go on E 85. You can also run E85 tune cars in other software and then you can get more horsepower

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