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tango 01-08-2003 12:07 AM

Originally posted by IanPooley
yeah u and ur cousin hitler...

IanPooley 01-08-2003 05:21 AM

Originally posted by tango
yeah u and ur cousin hitler...
Too nice:)
I am from greece mf! Not german. I only live here so shut the f* up.

Aren´t here any mods to kick members which are talkin bout hitler in a Mercedes Benz forum???

Boo2 01-08-2003 10:01 AM

Originally posted by IanPooley
Too nice:)
I am from greece mf! Not german. I only live here so shut the f* up.

Aren´t here any mods to kick members which are talkin bout hitler in a Mercedes Benz forum???

You started it with that Jap comment, you frickin herb.

IanPooley 01-08-2003 10:42 AM

Hey now hold on for a moment!
It was just a joke and nothin more. I did not want to discriminate against someone! But if you compare someone with adolf hitler you might be a freakin idiot!!

And I didn´t say someone is a "frickin herb" or somethin like this. That would be stoofus.

If my cousin is hitler who´s yours? Saddam Hussein or Osama bin laden? Am I right when I say somethin like this to a member here? No I´m not. And you too. So stop that.

oggle 01-08-2003 11:13 AM

Guys, I don't think Ian's original post was meant to be a racist one. Let's calm down and stop the flaming. :)

Boo2 01-08-2003 11:51 AM

Originally posted by oggle
Guys, I don't think Ian's original post was meant to be a racist one. Let's calm down and stop the flaming. :)
I've got no problem with that if you can show me how his comment isn't racist. A stereotype like that is racist. If it was a joke, then it was a racist joke.

blando 01-08-2003 12:39 PM

Enough already!

Originally posted by Boo2
You started it with that Jap comment, you frickin herb.
Like "Jap" isn't a racist reference either? Both you guys need to be a little more careful with the language.

Enough anyways - chill out, the point was made! :) Getting back to the original intent of the thread. Anybody have any more info on whether we can get that gear display in the pic?

Boo2 01-08-2003 02:32 PM

Re: Enough already!

Originally posted by blando
Like "Jap" isn't a racist reference either? Both you guys need to be a little more careful with the language.

Enough anyways - chill out, the point was made! :) Getting back to the original intent of the thread. Anybody have any more info on whether we can get that gear display in the pic?

I'm asian so it's okay.

I want to know how to get that display too so I can see it better.


Mach430 01-08-2003 02:36 PM

Stick to the topic, there is no need for bickering.

tango 01-08-2003 09:04 PM

Originally posted by IanPooley
Hey now hold on for a moment!
It was just a joke and nothin more. I did not want to discriminate against someone! But if you compare someone with adolf hitler you might be a freakin idiot!!

And I didn´t say someone is a "frickin herb" or somethin like this. That would be stoofus.

If my cousin is hitler who´s yours? Saddam Hussein or Osama bin laden? Am I right when I say somethin like this to a member here? No I´m not. And you too. So stop that.

i can care less about where u are from and who u know.. they all sound like "greek" to me.... and regardless at least im not the one living in greece ....u foolio and you should be the one who is sorry with ur dumb ass racist jokes. i dont care care if you mean it or not, it certainly sounded like a racist remark. you get ur ass to the barn and feed the horses and cows :mad:

tango 01-08-2003 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Boo2
I've got no problem with that if you can show me how his comment isn't racist. A stereotype like that is racist. If it was a joke, then it was a racist joke.


blando.... ur 1st post and bittchin'......is that u Ian Hitler behind him?!

Ben:we will stick to the topic if you get that asswipe to stop the racist remarks... im asian so its different for asians to accept what he commented...

im gona take a chill pill now

JustinTRW 01-08-2003 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Mach430
Stick to the topic
SO ANYWAYS. Ben, do you know if there is such a setting in the diagnostics?

IanPooley 01-09-2003 04:19 AM

I wrote a PM to Boo and hope that he´s got no prob anymore.
If tango still says I´m Ian Hitler then he should do so. If I were an admin I would kick him out - thats what he gets when he´s writin hitler bull**** in other forums.
I´m for sure that tango even doesn´t know who hitler was, what he did and if he is still alive or not.
Saddam tango sound very well but I won´t write anythin more in this thread. He´s just a very very poor guy...

tango 01-09-2003 04:50 AM

Originally posted by IanPooley
I wrote a PM to Boo and hope that he´s got no prob anymore.
If tango still says I´m Ian Hitler then he should do so. If I were an admin I would kick him out - thats what he gets when he´s writin hitler bull**** in other forums.
I´m for sure that tango even doesn´t know who hitler was, what he did and if he is still alive or not.
Saddam tango sound very well but I won´t write anythin more in this thread. He´s just a very very poor guy...

first of all.. i duno why u pm boo.. maybe to apologies or what not but u certainly didnt pm and apologies....and i was the first one to be offended
i commented about hitler just to let u feel the sense of prejudice and racism.
secondly... i know better who hitler is.. and i can care less what u think of me... if i konw wuzup with hitler....and all that BS u are saying....and ONLY if you were the admin, you are nothing but a racist loser! and ur saddam comments def shows ur maturity.
lastly.... learn english before you get on a english speakin forum dude.. and stop making a fool outta urself...

ben.. or any moderator... do me a favour and please close this thread... this flaming is gettin ridiculous...

Chuck 01-09-2003 06:59 AM

Originally posted by oggle
Guys, I don't think Ian's original post was meant to be a racist one. Let's calm down and stop the flaming. :)
I agree - we need calm down.

There's a big gulf between Europe and US on what's considered racist or inappropraite. We need to recognize the context before leaping to local standards and hurling flames.

Boo2 01-09-2003 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Chuck
I agree - we need calm down.

There's a big gulf between Europe and US on what's considered racist or inappropraite. We need to recognize the context before leaping to local standards and hurling flames.

So you're telling me that in Europe, saying that Asians can't see as well cuz they have small eyes isn't racist; but is actually funny? Maybe I read his statement wrong, but what else is it suppose to mean?

oggle 01-09-2003 10:03 AM

Comon guys. Let it die already. He never made any insinuations to eye size. Geez.

tango 01-09-2003 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Boo2
So you're telling me that in Europe, saying that Asians can't see as well cuz they have small eyes isn't racist; but is actually funny? Maybe I read his statement wrong, but what else is it suppose to mean?
you tell them boo2

arthur12345 01-09-2003 08:53 PM

eyes see better
i'm asian and i see better when i go "wide eyed". if i squint i don't see as well. so there is some truth to this.

dfc 01-10-2003 08:59 AM

Hahaha, arthur, that's funny. Are you near sighted? All my friends who are near sighted use the same technique to obtain a better vision. :cool:

Anyways, people who always feel they are being discriminated against or stereotyped, because they, themselves lack the self confidence. If you feel strong about yourself, and sure to yourself that what others said won't affect how you live, then there is really not a big issue. On the other hand, whenever someone says a joke (intentionally or not), and you feel offended; then it's not the joker, but you who got a problem.

Enuf said, anyone knows how to make the computer console in the middle of instrument panel (where it displays gear selection, and various other information) into red color (as w/ Audi's)? There should be a electrical work-around to do that; anyone have any insights?

IanPooley 01-10-2003 09:12 AM

Originally posted by dfc
Enuf said, anyone knows how to make the computer console in the middle of instrument panel (where it displays gear selection, and various other information) into red color (as w/ Audi's)? There should be a electrical work-around to do that; anyone have any insights?

you mean red like when a door is opened or the fixing brake is in use while you are trying to drive?
I dunno if thats easy to do. But I like the standart color more than red. Audi changed the red lights cause too many people complained about irritations.

C ya

dfc 01-10-2003 10:02 AM

Yeah, that kind of read. I was surprised that it turned bloody red when I drove my car w/ door opened? Personally I thought it's sharp looking.

Did audi change the instrument lighting? For the newer ones? What did they change into, the commone orange? Out of all the instrument lightings I saw, I think the VW Passat's purple light is the hardest to see (although looks refreshing). I like the Lexus, S-class's light, nice and bright, w/ the touch of flourescent.

Boo2 01-10-2003 10:52 AM

Originally posted by dfc
Anyways, people who always feel they are being discriminated against or stereotyped, because they, themselves lack the self confidence. If you feel strong about yourself, and sure to yourself that what others said won't affect how you live, then there is really not a big issue. On the other hand, whenever someone says a joke (intentionally or not), and you feel offended; then it's not the joker, but you who got a problem...
Uh, yeah. I never though of that. I'm sure you have sooo much experience in that area. Based on where u are from, it must happen to you all the time. :rolleyes:

Try coming into my world, and maybe you'll think differently. Someone who lives in a country where they are the majority can't really relate. Your psychoanalysis states the obvious, but did you ever consider that there are many situations that go beyond tolerance?

box986 01-10-2003 11:39 AM

Should we start a new thread on the original topic!

Marko 01-10-2003 01:44 PM

PC jackasses
Boo & Tango:

Table for two, two large glasses of shut the hell up. You two jackasses need to get over this and let it die. Anyone with intelligence can tell that Ian was joking, so stop your politically correct **** and let it go already. Here's a politically incorrect albeit true, statement for you-People with mentality such as yourselves are the reason that people who have suffered legitimate defamation have a hard time proving it.

And I DO speak for everyone here, in case you're wondering.

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