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AMG_Eric 07-11-2005 02:50 PM

///***Caravaning, Clubbing, Dining and Dancing***\\\
I have noticed that there seems to be an interest in people meeting other people. i know some of you are married however not all of us are. you can tell by the posts in other threads that there is a serious need for interpersonal interaction amongst all people in general.

My suggestion/proposal would be to have a big get together and then caravan to a place where we can either dine or dance; all people would be welcome (singles and married folks). Now it would be awesome to do it somewhere in the SoCal area. Like maybe we all meet at a big parking lot around say 6pm. then we cruise to a nice dinner place. then we roll out for some after hours drinks and more mingleing.

The places we choose would have to have LARGE parking lots because we seem to be able to fill up places quick...ie newport and encinitas. We could invite all kinds of people from other forums like the turnout we had in newport.

just think how awesome it would be to basically own a parking lot at a place to eat and a club, with all these awesome cars. i have noticed that at every event i have attended that people i meet are outstanding individuals. i have yet to attend a meet where i was disappointed with the people attending. after all we are here to share one of the things we love (mbz) and meet other people. i say why not just make it a more formal let's go out and wine and dine instead of let's meet here druel over our cars and then as an after thought find a place to eat at.

with all this in mind i know lots of guys are going dude maybe i can score. Grow up! Instead think of it as wow let's actually go out and have fun with people that have a common interest and if you actually find someone that likes you that way fine

CDP 07-11-2005 03:25 PM

clubbing sounds nice. :)

I have connections with about majority of all the clubs in the Hollywood/LA area. It pays to have your sister date one of the biggest promotors. :D

Bigdot 07-11-2005 03:41 PM

im to young to club :( 17

AMG_Eric 07-11-2005 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by RedMongoosE
im to young to club :( 17

you are not to young to Caravan or go to dinner. The key to this is it has 3 parts. Caravan, Dining, Clubing. So there is something for everyone.

If you just want to meet to see cars you show up for 1st hour
If you just want to Caravan you meet at the designated site and caravan to dinner
If you are say married or under 21 but you still would like to enjoy other people's company then you can either just attend diner or you can caravan and enjoy dinner
If you just want to throw down your insane moves then you either meet at the place where we eat and caravan to a club or you just meet at the club.

This should have something for everyone. It should give people a chance to meet and greet in 3 distinct settings.

Justinius7 07-11-2005 03:53 PM

i love to drive
i love to eat
i love to party

Be happy to attend.................. Just name where/when, i'm there...

CDP 07-11-2005 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by RedMongoosE
im to young to club :( 17

Never too young Mark! It's all about connections. I'll be able to hook you up, but you'll have to go when the club first opens the doors before people get there. haha


there might be some dining places that turn into clubs afterwards. I know that there are some out there that if you are there for dinner and just chill, you'll get into the club/dancing thing for free and they dont ID you.

The Godfather 07-11-2005 04:36 PM

I think the requierements should be 21+ for yourselves, and 2000+ for your cars.

CDP 07-11-2005 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by The Godfather
I think the requierements should be 21+ for yourselves, and 2000+ for your cars.

That's nice.

Then I guess Eric doesn't fit that category since his car isn't a 2000+. Sorry Eric, you don't meet the other half of the requirements!

Bigdot 07-11-2005 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by The Godfather
I think the requierements should be 21+ for yourselves, and 2000+ for your cars.



The Godfather 07-11-2005 07:28 PM

its the pham: mike is clwoning on the forums
its the pham: I'm getting tired of it
perzBENZ: link
its the pham: nah
its the pham: hes just saying crap like
its the pham: only people with 2000+ year or newer car
its the pham: and no people under 21
its the pham: and crap like that

LMAO don't get butt hurt. Nobody under 21 at least...what do you plan on doing, hanging out at the 7-11 and drinking slurpees?

oggle 07-11-2005 07:32 PM

The idea sounds interesting and all, but isn't it just gonna end up being a sausagefest? I mean there's only a few girls on this forum.

The Godfather 07-11-2005 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by oggle
The idea sounds interesting and all, but isn't it just gonna end up being a sausagefest? I mean there's only a few girls on this forum.

werd. PLus between JamE55 and I, they already all want us.

CDP 07-11-2005 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by The Godfather
LMAO don't get butt hurt. Nobody under 21 at least...what do you plan on doing, hanging out at the 7-11 and drinking slurpees?


rammbs 07-11-2005 07:39 PM

if you have sean with you it will really be a party!


The Godfather 07-11-2005 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by rammbs
if you have sean with you it will really be a party!


Why the hell is he always crouching?

Oh and that pretty much drew away any possible girls from attending now lol

Fast55 07-11-2005 08:31 PM

Mike.............stop............it's............. .beginning........to...........hurt........ :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :beat:

lisamcgu 07-11-2005 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by The Godfather
Oh and that pretty much drew away any possible girls from attending now lol

You're being kinda mean in dissin the young'ns, but you're also kinda funny :D

vraa 07-11-2005 08:37 PM

Guys, my stomach hurts after seeing that guy on every thread!

oggle 07-11-2005 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by The Godfather
werd. PLus between JamE55 and I, they already all want us.

Cmon now. You know James is stealing all of them ho's on myspace. All 2500 of them!


The Godfather 07-11-2005 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by lisamcgu
You're being kinda mean in dissin the young'ns, but you're also kinda funny :D

You know I'm EXTREMELY funny. :D

AMG_Eric 07-11-2005 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by oggle
The idea sounds interesting and all, but isn't it just gonna end up being a sausagefest? I mean there's only a few girls on this forum.

Originally Posted by AMG_Eric
with all this in mind i know lots of guys are going dude maybe i can score. Grow up!

I guess the "oh i have a hard on guys dont get this. " ITS A GET TO KNOW PEOPLE THING. So couples can come, singles can come, people from other forums, people with different cars. THIS IS NOT MATCHMAKER.COM fools.

For example i would like to meet people for more then an hour and look at cars. hey here's an idea maybe i could strike up a convo about something intelligent. If i wanted to do a singles meet and greet i would go to match.com, singles.com myplace.com or all the other places where people make fools of themselves on the internet.

What you all dont know is i run another community. i am the admin and creator of that community. i have ran it for 4 years. in the past year i have seen our community grow and have a national get together in new york, in the fall of last year. this year i planned a huge florida keys get a way (which is in 2 weeks). the point i am making is we are doing these get togethers for fun and interaction not wife swapping or chick scamming.

If your goal is to hookup with someone on this site please use the PM feature of the board. My inspiration from all this was this past meet. I met 2 great people and hung out with them. My goal wasnt to get it on or anything other then meeting other people that have similar interests. I had an awesome time with the 2 people i met and i got to expand my mind. If you cant wrap your head around that this whole idea might not be for you.

Pokeing fun at sean is cool because he doesnt mind and i have met him 2x. I mind people poking fun at me when i dont know them. if you know me then by all means make wisecracks. i enjoy them and i dont mind being the center of the jokes however you best know me before you start the trash talk.

additionally to be so short sighted to limit the people you will meet by age or what year car they drive is just that; short sighted. I would love to meet people like the "wolfs" and talk with them about how they came to purchasing such a cool wagon. I would like to meet ramil and his significant other, benzgal also seems interesting as well as a host of others. to be honest i never got to talk to carlos and i bet he has a lot to talk about. i have been to several "club car meetings" at resturants with adults. There is a cool sense of comradery when you know more then just what car someone drives.

The dancing/clubing part of the meet is where you can get your game on with others. If we go with chris' idea then those that want to fish for dates can and those of us that would like to mingle and just hang out could.

i am not ranting or complaining about other comments here. i am merely trying to explain the concept i have.

oggle 07-11-2005 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by AMG_Eric
I guess the "oh i have a hard on guys dont get this. " ITS A GET TO KNOW PEOPLE THING. So couples can come, singles can come, people from other forums, people with different cars. THIS IS NOT MATCHMAKER.COM fools.

What did you expect people to think when you mentioned dancing?

The Godfather 07-11-2005 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by oggle
What did you expect people to think when you mentioned dancing?

Why guys dancing with guys? What did you think!?

AMG_Eric 07-11-2005 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by oggle
What did you expect people to think when you mentioned dancing?

i guess the people with a bit more maturity would see it for what it was. a nice idea.

if i wanted it to be a meat market meet then i could of easily invited escorts for those that had only 1 thing on thier mind. the last time i went to a club btw i never danced. infact most guys dont dance. however lots of people do go to nice places to eat that have what chris mentioned...after dinner dancing.

maybe i should just lose the club idea so all the guys that have a bit too much testoserone stop reading the thread.

Fast55 07-11-2005 09:32 PM

Relax, it's all good. Propose/organize something and let's see what we all can do. The few meets I've been to have been good. I think you're on to something here, but if there a couple of hook ups happen, I'm sure that's fine too. No pressure on anyone. Put something together, I'm in. If all we wanted was to score, I'm sure we'd all be cruising CL right now. When and where?

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