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guido gamil 12-10-2023 09:44 AM

Originally Posted by smithwn55 (Post 8889935)
Buying a 08 or older 55 or 65 without ABC is nearly impossible. Only a few people have converted their cars to coil over suspension as that cost $$ too.

Instead, look for a car that has an ABC system properly maintained. For instance, I proactively replaced all accumulators and did a fluid change. I have had zero issues in 5 years and really don't expect any until the pump goes, not a costly repair. And there's no comparison in ride quality, ABC is far superior.

Thank you for this great advice. Doing my due diligence the ABC repair and concern is the thing that comes up the most. Will any MB repair shop have records of this or what is the best way to find out if the ABC system has been maintained properly?

smithwn55 12-10-2023 01:36 PM

The Seller should be able to provide documentation as to specific ABC maintenance performend. One indicator of a poorly maintained system is ABC color, should be green. If not and/or seller cannot document, beware.

guido gamil 12-10-2023 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by smithwn55 (Post 8890084)
The Seller should be able to provide documentation as to specific ABC maintenance performend. One indicator of a poorly maintained system is ABC color, should be green. If not and/or seller cannot document, beware.

Thank you so much for the quick reply Smithwn55. I had no idea what you meant by "the ABC color should be green" so I looked it and found some really informative intel. I am assuming that what you mean is that there is an indicator light for the ABC system and it should be green, is this correct? I found this link which partly explains what to look for but if I am wrong please correct me.

guido gamil 12-10-2023 05:56 PM

Hello again Smithwm55, I did some further research and think I may have answered my own question. I now assume by "the color should be green" means the fluid used in the system. Here is a decent YouTube video that explains the good, bad, and ugly about the ABC system. At least it was really helpful to me to understand it a little better.

Now I really get why maintenance of the ABC system is so critical. Thank you again for your help and guidance.

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