Mercedes Straight 6 Engine Vs. V6 Engine – A Quick Comparison

Mercedes Straight 6 Engine Vs. V6 Engine – A Quick Comparison

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In this vid, Kent Bergsma from Mercedes Source gives us a quick comparison between the engines of  the W124 and W210 MB wagons . He starts things off with his gripes and a personal pet peeve, when gear heads and MB aficionados make blanket statements that “The straight 6 engines from Mercedes Benz are the best that were ever made.”

To Kent, these statements are highly subjective and difficult to quantify – Best as in how? What’s the criteria? Looks? Gas mileage? Sound? His thoughts? People who claim to love the straight 6 over all else just haven’t lived with the V6 variants for as long.

Kent decides to put the issue to rest in his own way by taking a quick, objective look at both engines in detail so you can make your own decision. It’s a quirky look into the mind of a service engineer. He premises the video by stating he won’t tell us directly which one is his favorite, but it’s pretty easy to tell! Enjoy.

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