Smart’s Brilliant Non-PC forfour Advert

Smart’s Brilliant Non-PC forfour Advert

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Smart Forfour Prime

What happens when you fire the PC police and let ad departments get a bit creative? You get this new commercial from Smart.

Kids are quite impressionable these days, and you have to wonder what they pick up from their parents. In a similar sense to Rodney Atkin’s hit song “Watching You,” Smart sheds some light on how the right car purchase can be influential on the little rascals who ride with you.

Some drivers express themselves more verbally than others, and I know if I personally had a swear-jar in my CLK, I’d rake in more cash than an Uber driver. Parking can be a pain in the a** in the city, driving anywhere in Los Angeles makes you doubt your own car enthusiasm, and most any trip out your door could overflow a swear-jar in nanoseconds. Enter the ever-nimble Smart forfour.

It’s just too bad this kind of advert will never see American TV. A caution for language, but please do see the video below. It’s pretty bleeping funny.

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Photo [Autocar]

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Patrick Morgan is an instructor at Chicago's Autobahn Country Club and contributes to a number of Auto sites, including MB World, Honda Tech, and 6SpeedOnline. Keep up with his latest racing and road adventures on Twitter and Instagram!

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