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MalibuScott 06-03-2019 03:21 PM

I live on Mulholland Highway. There was a death on the front of my property a few years before I moved in caused by some boi racers who crossed the double yellow line. And many years ago I sat pro tem on the Malibu Justice Court (before it became a municipal court, then a superior court -- I'm old). The legendary Judge John J. Merrick, who was my boss, used to call crossing the double yellow lines in Malibu a "death penalty offense," and not because he was meting out the punishment -- the lunatics behind the wheel were.

So I fully support Ronin's comments. I hope the band of idiots whom he has chronicled stay out of my neck of the woods.

chris135b 06-03-2019 05:52 PM

I agree with the crossing a double yellow line in tight, twisty sections of road. That is a recipe for disaster and some nasty head on collisions!

As for the tailgating, I'm not so sure about that in the right conditions. Over in Germany, it is not uncommon to run up on someone at 250 KM/hr. In fact, this last time I was over there, an Audi RS3 and I (in an S63 Coupe) were nose to tail at 250 Km/Hr for half of the A63 down to Kaiserslautern. When the restricted zones came up, I put on the hazard lights, he backed off a bit, waved to acknowledge the heavy braking zone coming up and we all went down to 130 KM/Hr with NO drama. However, that style of driving and the environment there is MUCH different than here in the US. People pay attention, follow the rules of driving and are more civil...even at 200 KM/hr!

And I would also agree with those ronin that say let the "real winners" do stupid stuff. They will eventually learn when they either hit someone head on or end up in the back of your buddies cruisers for Speeding, Reckless Driving, Improper Lane Change, Participating in a Speed Contest, some sort of Exhaust violation, and all the other craziness out in CA! A few hours in a holding cell will straighten them out. :-)

Stay safe out there!


ronin amg 06-03-2019 06:48 PM

Here's a comment from another driver on the Crest...


ronin amg 06-04-2019 12:51 AM

Here is a little food for thought for anyone driving in the canyons....

Jim Brady 06-04-2019 02:26 PM

Two quotes that came to mind after watching the video.

1. CAUTION: "Cape does not enable user to fly"... Batman Halloween costume warning label , WalMart
2. The first day of flight school Chief Flt Instructor "There are old pilots and bold pilots, there are no old bold pilots"

DrDrilZ 06-04-2019 11:36 PM

Around here it’s common courtesy for slower drivers to pull aside and let faster traffic pass on canyon/mountain roads. OP, you weren’t exactly following all traffic laws. You were certainly over the speed limit and at the 38 sec mark of your own vid, you are way over the double yellow.

ronin amg 06-05-2019 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by DrDrilZ (Post 7771425)
Around here it’s common courtesy for slower drivers to pull aside and let faster traffic pass on canyon/mountain roads. OP, you weren’t exactly following all traffic laws. You were certainly over the speed limit and at the 38 sec mark of your own vid, you are way over the double yellow.

Seriously dude are you brain dead ? The SUV clearly pulled to the right at the end of the passing lane so I could make a safe pass on a straight section, he is clearly over the white line on the right side..

I never said I was doing the posted speed limit or that anyone was "guilty of doing the same". It's not speed it's control.
If you can't stay in your own lane in the corners you should pull over and check your car and if your car is ok you should check yourself because something is F'ed up and it's not the car...


MarcusDubya77 06-05-2019 01:39 AM

Wow, I cannot believe what I am reading. There are actually people condoning this. There is absolutely nothing excusable about their behavior. Good thing folks don't care about the lives of others around them...SMFH...

JSwan724 06-05-2019 10:50 AM

The canyons ARE NOT A race track and have state mandated speed limits and double yellow lines where you can’t pass safely.

I would think that you would want to drive safely for the benefit of others on the road and your loved ones. Putting other lives in danger on a public road is not rational thinking.

MY SUGGESTION: Go to a track for this type of driving.

ronin amg 06-05-2019 12:31 PM

I haven't had a speeding ticket in 18 yrs. I've had two accidents in my 45 yrs. on the road, found not at fault for both.
A Porsche driver thought he was racer on the freeway and rear ended me at 75mph while trying to pass and spun me around which put me into the wall. The second was due to a Forest Service fire truck over the centerline forcing me into the rock wall coming around a blind corner.
The public road is not your personal race track.
I drive in control while some may think is racing but I'm always within my comfort zone at all times and will never let someone else's EGO push me out of it. That's why I will never drive in a group.

Oh yeah I thought I got lucky when I watched these Aholes drive by the up hill turn but noooo they all just made a U turn "mid corner" to screw up the day's drive..


ZephyrAMG 06-05-2019 04:53 PM

Well now we need to know who the A holes are so they can be flamed!!!! This is the internet!! Show thy self!!!

ronin amg 06-05-2019 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by ZephyrAMG (Post 7771948)
Well now we need to know who the A holes are so they can be flamed!!!! This is the internet!! Show thy self!!!

Here are the peeps I guess who are very vocal on a AMG facebook group..They don't appear to have anything to say here so it seems, hell they even have GoPro cameras too. I can't with to see their video.. :D



ZephyrAMG 06-05-2019 08:03 PM



nlpamg 06-06-2019 03:09 PM


Gtrbe4ever 06-06-2019 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by ronin amg (Post 7769362)
I couldn't believe how many idiots there are in the canyons without a clue to the realties of what can happen far way from help when it all goes sideways...

Watch the jack off in the Ferrari as he crosses the centerline, tailgates bikers and makes brain dead unsafe passes, along with a Mercedes driver doing the most brain dead pass ..

This is why I will never drive in a group...


Full video..

OK now I'm getting tired of your stupid yapping on the whole story and your twists of events.

First of all let it be know that this idiot Ron that keeps on writing **** left and right about this peaceful driving day is the idiot who has recked countless time lotus or horse chariots when he was younger and though he had the balls to drive with no traction control.. Now he clearly doesn't ( we have videos of this idiot that day being saved by he's traction control many times braking in turns, almost loosing it trying to keep up with clearly a Ferrari that was cruising at 60 mph in very nice weather in twists and turns.

Now watch the video carefully, the first encounter with the red devil is on a straight away close to. Mount Emma 4 miles stretch, what does this idiot do when he sees a real car coming up on he's left lane? He downshift, accelerates and hits 110 trying to not make him pass, the red devil was cruising at 130 on that stretch so he overtook him on a passing lane, but wait a car was ahead, and an amg behind him. Accelerating that he saw wasn't willing to. Let him pass, so instead of braking and get rear ended by an old schmuck, he dipped safely over the yellow, to make a safe pass and not slam the brakes on an old Man. Now what does the gtr wanna be do? He passes over the same double yellow line. So in my book in ethics u don't call out a guy on something that u do yourself, imagine what this lotus car recker does when no one is aroud!!

Next we have tailgating, these bikers were apprentices, drivingitgerally at 25 mph on straight away, the red devil simply kept a close distance, not once has he slam the brakes behind them which tells u he isn't pushing them around, but nOticed many time that this old shmuchk was flashing he's headlights behind him and waving left and right. Now ask anyone on this forum when someone is following u and flashing he's headlights and waving like he's attempting to warm up he's tires what does that mean to the state of mind of the idiot behind the wheel? It means he's impatient and wants out of this 25 mph driving feeling, so the red devil simply starts flashing he's high beams ups and down to the bikers so they can move out of the way and let the group drive safetlh. Which they eventually did, like other vehicles that day and safety got out of the way, this so called ******* was nice enough to lift he's arm up and thanks the vehicles everytime they were letting the group pass.

Now the red Mercedes was a young 29 year old and he did get shoutted at fortis double lane madness in this video, this is absolutely not acceptable and he as learned he's lesson, even tho it was a stretch and you can see for 1/4 miles no cars its still not a reason to make that pass.

So mother ****er grow up from being a ****ing idiot on the keyboard and posting on 100 channels, the driver of the red devil has a video of yourself taking off all your fake jewelry and putting them on a ts le attempting to attack an innocent person that was complimenting the look of your car at Newcomb ranch. You got issues man, and I don't give a **** who's sherif s dick u suck to avoid tockets, no one cares about ur fake flexing, facts and numbers counts in this world, your opinion is annoying and shuv it up your fat **** ass.

This post is brought to u by 120 peoples that are annoyed as **** to hear this idiot rant, Ron amg my ass, go lower your car somewhere else, and learn to drive, you should seriously go to Speed venture or any other track events in socal and maybe you will be lucky to have the red devil as an instructor, all that he instructs advanced drivers, you probably should start with someone thay u can feel honest and less defensive with.

Orcbolg 06-06-2019 04:13 PM


Brings me back to my lotustalk days. Typical Frank.

BLKROKT 06-06-2019 04:22 PM

Oh please please post a screenshot of this guy taking off all his fake jewelry to fight. I need a new avatar.

(The guy who just got turfed out of the FB group he says he wasn’t driving with.) :crazy:

Sky Hye 06-06-2019 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Gtrbe4ever (Post 7772732)
OK now I'm getting tired of your stupid yapping on the whole story and your twists of events.

First of all let it be know that this idiot Ron that keeps on writing **** left and right about this peaceful driving day is the idiot who has recked countless time lotus or horse chariots when he was younger and though he had the balls to drive with no traction control.. Now he clearly doesn't ( we have videos of this idiot that day being saved by he's traction control many times braking in turns, almost loosing it trying to keep up with clearly a Ferrari that was cruising at 60 mph in very nice weather in twists and turns.

Now watch the video carefully, the first encounter with the red devil is on a straight away close to. Mount Emma 4 miles stretch, what does this idiot do when he sees a real car coming up on he's left lane? He downshift, accelerates and hits 110 trying to not make him pass, the red devil was cruising at 130 on that stretch so he overtook him on a passing lane, but wait a car was ahead, and an amg behind him. Accelerating that he saw wasn't willing to. Let him pass, so instead of braking and get rear ended by an old schmuck, he dipped safely over the yellow, to make a safe pass and not slam the brakes on an old Man. Now what does the gtr wanna be do? He passes over the same double yellow line. So in my book in ethics u don't call out a guy on something that u do yourself, imagine what this lotus car recker does when no one is aroud!!

Next we have tailgating, these bikers were apprentices, drivingitgerally at 25 mph on straight away, the red devil simply kept a close distance, not once has he slam the brakes behind them which tells u he isn't pushing them around, but nOticed many time that this old shmuchk was flashing he's headlights behind him and waving left and right. Now ask anyone on this forum when someone is following u and flashing he's headlights and waving like he's attempting to warm up he's tires what does that mean to the state of mind of the idiot behind the wheel? It means he's impatient and wants out of this 25 mph driving feeling, so the red devil simply starts flashing he's high beams ups and down to the bikers so they can move out of the way and let the group drive safetlh. Which they eventually did, like other vehicles that day and safety got out of the way, this so called ******* was nice enough to lift he's arm up and thanks the vehicles everytime they were letting the group pass.

Now the red Mercedes was a young 29 year old and he did get shoutted at fortis double lane madness in this video, this is absolutely not acceptable and he as learned he's lesson, even tho it was a stretch and you can see for 1/4 miles no cars its still not a reason to make that pass.

So mother ****er grow up from being a ****ing idiot on the keyboard and posting on 100 channels, the driver of the red devil has a video of yourself taking off all your fake jewelry and putting them on a ts le attempting to attack an innocent person that was complimenting the look of your car at Newcomb ranch. You got issues man, and I don't give a **** who's sherif s dick u suck to avoid tockets, no one cares about ur fake flexing, facts and numbers counts in this world, your opinion is annoying and shuv it up your fat **** ass.

This post is brought to u by 120 peoples that are annoyed as **** to hear this idiot rant, Ron amg my ass, go lower your car somewhere else, and learn to drive, you should seriously go to Speed venture or any other track events in socal and maybe you will be lucky to have the red devil as an instructor, all that he instructs advanced drivers, you probably should start with someone thay u can feel honest and less defensive with.

Long read but I agree with you. We’ve had run ins with Yosemite Sam for years. Whether it’s in my Ferrari group or BMW group or causal group of canyon carvers. We have always had Yosemite backlash, attempt to block, slow down and cause a build up. Then he goes on FB and rants and then on forums. That’s his MO. Just another bored lonely hater who has to feel like he’s the law. Ironically he doesn’t see his actions as irresponsible or putting others in dangerous. This guys been a thorn in every SoCal drivers ass for years. Almost a rite of passage as a SoCal car fanatic is to endure a run in with Yosemite Sam. Sadly I don’t see this going away any time soon...

Sky Hye 06-06-2019 04:32 PM

Let’s not forget these gems...

kumizi 06-06-2019 04:37 PM

Anyone that has read more than 5 of ronin's posts knows he is an insane ahole.

I was secretly enjoying this thread. Now I'm openly enjoying it.

Sky Hye 06-06-2019 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by kumizi (Post 7772794)
Anyone that has read more than 5 of ronin's posts knows he is an insane ahole.

I was secretly enjoying this thread. Now I'm openly enjoying it.

I’m glad you came out 😂

kumizi 06-06-2019 04:42 PM

That original video was cracking me up when when he's continuously yelling "what the f***" even though he's in a car by himself recording.

He continually brags about hauling ass "in the canyons" in multiple threads. Yet he's here berating others. Some people have no self awareness. Next time grandpa tries to start a fight, someone should oblige him.

Sky Hye 06-06-2019 04:44 PM


Orcbolg 06-06-2019 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by kumizi (Post 7772794)
Anyone that has read more than 5 of ronin's posts knows he is an insane ahole.

I was secretly enjoying this thread. Now I'm openly enjoying it.

Lmao, I thought I was the only one. :cheers:

nlpamg 06-06-2019 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by kumizi (Post 7772794)
Anyone that has read more than 5 of ronin's posts knows he is an insane ahole.

I was secretly enjoying this thread. Now I'm openly enjoying it.

This is the truth. People who don't know of the OP may side with his one-sided story here, but those that do, know to take whatever he says with a grain of salt.

"Ronin" is well known on the Internet... Anyone that says something that he doesn't agree with, for example a YouTube video on how faulty his driving is, he will and has threatened to "beat up" in many senses of the phrase.

I'm not saying any party is in the right or wrong in this thread, but people should know who the parties are.

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