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ronin amg 06-01-2019 11:23 PM

*******s in the canyons..
I couldn't believe how many idiots there are in the canyons without a clue to the realties of what can happen far way from help when it all goes sideways...

Watch the jack off in the Ferrari as he crosses the centerline, tailgates bikers and makes brain dead unsafe passes, along with a Mercedes driver doing the most brain dead pass ..

This is why I will never drive in a group...

Full video..

ronin amg 06-02-2019 12:58 AM

This is how people die in the canyons...



ZephyrAMG 06-02-2019 07:59 AM

Yea that was a crazy pass...double yellow, on a curve

California John 06-02-2019 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by ZephyrAMG (Post 7769468)
Yea that was a crazy pass...double yellow, on a curve

Although I no longer race in SCCA or any other club for that matter (before SCCA used to do POC, FCA and Alfa - all Los Angeles based) - this is the exact reason why once I started to really race (no time trial no-passing horse**** on the track - but real wheel-to-wheel pass anywhere you want racing) I became much more conservative on the roads and highways. On the race track everyone is 100% focused on what they are doing - not at all like the morons Ronin highlighted. They were probably live streaming, texting, whipping the skippy, - whatever - but you can imagine that besides a lack of integrated driver training, they are driving with a small portion of their brains. Shame. They could easily cause an early death or maiming of some poor unfortunate.

LOL - I could always tell when Ronin was about to go off! He reminds me of my old racing partner as we'd be towing our large enclosed trailer up to some race track and he'd start yelling and cursing about some numbnut maneuver by another driver. Always made me laugh hard.

ronin amg 06-02-2019 01:04 PM

The Ferrari driver came up to me a Newcombs Ranch as if we were gonna be friends, after I called him a F'in A Hole reckless driver in front of everyone as he said he was a driving instructor.
Crossing the centerline, tailgating bikers and brain dead passing is what pisses me off. I've seen too many dead or wish they were dead people in the canyons due to drivers like these two jack offs..

ronin amg 06-02-2019 01:13 PM


BLKROKT 06-02-2019 04:23 PM

Maybe you should pull over and let people pass. If you’re driving so slowly that you’re creating a line of cars behind you, as has been reported elsewhere, then you are hindering other people’s enjoyment of the canyons. They’re not yours.

Angel 430 06-02-2019 04:26 PM

Hmm Interesting. Two sides of every story. Saw it on Face Book on some private group that I'm part of but was from the side of the other drivers.
They were complaining that you were blocking them and not letting them pass you LOL maybe their cars were just not fast enough.
Also said that you even tried to start a fight with them when you guys stoped somewhere.
Anyhow where is this canyon road, seems like a fun place to drive?

ronin amg 06-02-2019 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by Angel 430 (Post 7769709)
Hmm Interesting. Two sides of every story. Saw it on Face Book on some private group that I'm part of but was from the side of the other drivers.
They were complaining that you were blocking them and not letting them pass you LOL maybe their cars were just not fast enough.
Also said that you even tried to start a fight with them when you guys stoped somewhere.
Anyhow where is this canyon road, seems like a fun place to drive?

Really did you watch the full video because I watch me pull over twice to let these A Holes pass ?

I did not want to be seen as a part of their group of A Holes..and I don't crowd riders and tailgate on the road so I just held back and kept a safe distance..

It's a good thing my Sheriff biker buddies I was hangin with didn't see their driving first hand but they sure as hell know who they are now..:D

The canyons are not a race track last time I checked and the Ferrari crossing the centerline, tailgating the biker and making unsafe passes while in front of me sure as hell wasn't me slowing down a group of scumbags thinking they own the road.

They sure were silent at Newcombs Ranch sitting at their table while I told the Ferrari driver what I thought in front of everyone but their keyboards are talking now it seems..

My life and the lives of my friends in the canyons is more important to me than any of these entitled jack offs

ronin amg 06-02-2019 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT (Post 7769706)
Maybe you should pull over and let people pass. If you’re driving so slowly that you’re creating a line of cars behind you, as has been reported elsewhere, then you are hindering other people’s enjoyment of the canyons. They’re not yours.

Maybe you should watch the video ?
And it's not theirs..

BLKROKT 06-02-2019 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by ronin amg (Post 7769767)
Maybe you should watch the video ?
And it's not theirs..

I watched your carefully curated selection of videos. It appears you’re going about 30mph. If you had one pointing backwards it would have shown a long line of cars getting increasingly frustrated with your slow driving and aggressive blocking. Or so I hear.

Maybe it’s you who has the problem with driving the canyons and shouldn’t really be out there. Your scared driving and high and mighty holier-than-thou attitude, trying to force others to your will, is what endangers others out there. It seems.

ronin amg 06-02-2019 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT (Post 7769769)
I watched your carefully curated selection of videos. It appears you’re going about 30mph. If you had one pointing backwards it would have shown a long line of cars getting increasingly frustrated with your slow driving and aggressive blocking. Or so I hear.

Maybe it’s you who has the problem with driving the canyons and shouldn’t really be out there. Your scared driving and high and mighty holier-than-thou attitude, trying to force others to your will, is what endangers others out there. It seems.

Yeah you are right, I was driving so slow holding everyone up. The two motorcycles in the video are CGI along with the few SUVs I edited out...braking for blind corners just incase there might be a cyclist there is so lame..

But you know better...

ronin amg 06-02-2019 06:47 PM

Yeah there was no reason for me to be driving the speed limit or did I not slow down and pull to the left to let the jack offs pass...What is aggressive blocking in the canyons ?
And again not one of these AHoles had anything to say to my face about it at Newcombs Ranch







places 06-02-2019 06:55 PM

Regardless of what others think, thank you for sharing this. Always helps to keep things in perspective. Crossing a double yellow is never ok. Period. This is how bad things happen quick.

ronin amg 06-02-2019 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by places (Post 7769807)
Regardless of what others think, thank you for sharing this. Always helps to keep things in perspective. Crossing a double yellow is never ok. Period. This is how bad things happen quick.

I honestly don't give a crap what others think about secondhand opinions from fools.
I posted this to let others know what most group drives are like here in LA..

Angel 430 06-03-2019 01:18 AM

I don't disagree with you you have a valid point and more importantly a video to back it up.
But when there is a group of ppl driving together even if they are being reckless you might as well let them go by and continue to enjoy your day which i am assuming was the reason you were there to do in the first place.

ZephyrAMG 06-03-2019 01:56 AM

I think also the bikers were keeping up everyone to a big degree and not pulling over to let a large group pass and by going way too slow....that was most annoying.

ronin amg 06-03-2019 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by Angel 430 (Post 7769964)
I don't disagree with you you have a valid point and more importantly a video to back it up.
But when there is a group of ppl driving together even if they are being reckless you might as well let them go by and continue to enjoy your day which i am assuming was the reason you were there to do in the first place.

First off there is no mob rule in the canyons and there are others on the road with the same right to enjoy it...
After the passing lane where the Ferrari passed me so he could be the lead car there is only one turn out for a car/bike to safely move right for a pass, they didn't use it and continued at their own pace which was still over the posted speed limit.

As a former rider I could tell they were new riders by their body positioning in the corners so I kept a safe distance and watched the Ahole Ferrari driver tailgate them the entire time...
The video clearly shows me slowing down and pulling over twice to let these AHoles go by.

The entitled mob in their sports cars do not own the road because they are part of a group. I'm defending the rights of the bikers here as for myself I'm not gonna put myself is danger ever for some jack offs ego on the road.
No unsafe passes and no crossing the centerline are my rule...

ronin amg 06-03-2019 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by ZephyrAMG (Post 7769970)
I think also the bikers were keeping up everyone to a big degree and not pulling over to let a large group pass and by going way too slow....that was most annoying.

Yeah they missed the only turnout, so just kick back, listen to some tunes and enjoy the view for a few miles .. It's not a F in racetrack...
This is a quote from the Canyon Carvers group on Facebook...[join it]


BLKROKT 06-03-2019 10:51 AM

You must be real fun at parties

[old man shouting voice] Alcohol is dangerous! Playing music that loud will damage your ears! Dancing is the tool of the devil, repent!

ronin amg 06-03-2019 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by Angel 430 (Post 7769709)
Hmm Interesting. Two sides of every story. Saw it on Face Book on some private group that I'm part of but was from the side of the other drivers.
They were complaining that you were blocking them and not letting them pass you LOL maybe their cars were just not fast enough.
Also said that you even tried to start a fight with them when you guys stoped somewhere.
Anyhow where is this canyon road, seems like a fun place to drive?

This is ripe..Uhh the so called Ferrari driving instructor was the one slowing me down and lane blocking..
Notice how his ego wouldn't let me safely pass so he speeds up to shut the door...:nix:

The best thing we can all have in our cars is a dash cam since video doesn't lie unless you can't believe your own eyes..

Never do group drives with so called driving instructors who are dangerous on public roads..


JSwan724 06-03-2019 02:09 PM

I predict what’s going to happen next is the PO PO will show up on Sunday’s and start ticketing everyone and doing spot safety checks.

Aggressive drivers who tailgate drivers doing the speed limit will be ticketed too.

Vic55 06-03-2019 02:22 PM

Haaa nice one Ronin----

ronin amg 06-03-2019 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by JSwan724 (Post 7770264)
I predict what’s going to happen next is the PO PO will show up on Sunday’s and start ticketing everyone and doing spot safety checks.

Aggressive drivers who tailgate drivers doing the speed limit will be ticketed too.

I do know for a fact that my two Sheriff buddies [motorcycle riders] I was with at Newcombs Ranch now know what cars they will be keeping an eye open for since the Crest is their patrol...

ZephyrAMG 06-03-2019 02:34 PM

Even the blues music is apropos..."...no body understands me.....dum de da....no body understands me, dum de da....."

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