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-   -   SL55/63/65/R230 AMG: Just "feels" slow? (https://mbworld.org/forums/sl55-amg-sl63-amg-sl65-amg-r230/304567-just-feels-slow.html)

percykwong 06-21-2009 09:46 PM

Just "feels" slow?
I've had the 65 for some time now (a few weeks), but I just can't help but feel that the car hesitates a bit before taking off. Sometimes, I get that "pinned to the seat" feeling, other times it just feels like my audi (nice smooth torquey feeling), but far from "In your face" pedal to the metal like a 65 should feel. Am I just getting used to the car or do others feel that same hesitation when hitting it?

I also noticed spinning em up (with ESP off) doesn't seem to be that easy. *bah* damn car... maybe I do need more pony power...

charles pearson 06-21-2009 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by percykwong (Post 3586405)
I've had the 65 for some time now (a few weeks), but I just can't help but feel that the car hesitates a bit before taking off. Sometimes, I get that "pinned to the seat" feeling, other times it just feels like my audi (nice smooth torquey feeling), but far from "In your face" pedal to the metal like a 65 should feel. Am I just getting used to the car or do others feel that same hesitation when hitting it?

I also noticed spinning em up (with ESP off) doesn't seem to be that easy. *bah* damn car... maybe I do need more pony power...

What are you driving an Sl65 or SL600? Either way you should feel that G-force when getting down on her, there is no getting used to it and forgetting what it once felt like. Read my thread (nightmare at the drag strip) and you will understand just what your problem might be. You might have a IC pump failure, and becareful with the ESP, I only use it to do a burn out than I switch it back on, trust me I wrecked my SL55 once clowning around with the ESP.

jturkel 06-21-2009 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by percykwong (Post 3586405)
I've had the 65 for some time now (a few weeks), but I just can't help but feel that the car hesitates a bit before taking off. Sometimes, I get that "pinned to the seat" feeling, other times it just feels like my audi (nice smooth torquey feeling), but far from "In your face" pedal to the metal like a 65 should feel. Am I just getting used to the car or do others feel that same hesitation when hitting it?

I also noticed spinning em up (with ESP off) doesn't seem to be that easy. *bah* damn car... maybe I do need more pony power...

try doing a throttle reset.

percykwong 06-22-2009 12:05 AM

If I had an IC pump failure, wouldn't the ECU show it with some sort of problem? Don't get me wrong, it feels nice most of the time, but I just feel like sometimes it's just a bit on the slow side.

Also, how do I do a throttle reset?

It's an SL65. I would just assume if I were at a standing stop and just buried the throttle with the ESP off, it should just go nowhere with the tires spinning. (no power braking). Am I wrong to make this assumption?

G_KATS 06-22-2009 12:18 AM

if ur 65 has abit of mileage get new spark plugs and change ur IC pump .... i had that same feeling .... once i changed both ... wow wat a difference .

jturkel 06-22-2009 12:44 AM


throttle reset: https://mbworld.org/forums/c32-amg-c...et-smokes.html

note: it says ECU reset. it's not. the guy who posted the thread didn't know what it does. it just clears info related to your driving patterns because after a while, the car learns how you drive. this may not solve your problem, but it is a nice thing to know and you will definitely notice a difference if you do it right.

and yes, you should be able smoke the tires in your car. i can do that in mine quite easily, even without the breaks being applied

derrick_lui 06-22-2009 12:09 PM

I think your feelings are natural.
When I first got my SL600 I was like "wow!"...then I got used to.
After chipping the car, I was like "wow!" gain...then im used to it now.

I just think we all get used to the power eventually.

Marcus Frost 06-22-2009 02:10 PM


When in doubt, dyno the car. It's inconvenient, it costs money, but if you are able to see that you were in fact right, or you were in fact wrong, it brings great satisfaction.

Make sure if you do dyno it, to take it to a shop that DOES MERCEDES BENZ and has done MANY of them and will be able to show you similar cars graphs from their dyno. Makes a world of difference.

My 65 dyno'd low (check my build thread) and having that data has proven to be of great utility and importance in trying to figure out why.


CA_E55 06-22-2009 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by percykwong (Post 3586405)
I've had the 65 for some time now (a few weeks), but I just can't help but feel that the car hesitates a bit before taking off. Sometimes, I get that "pinned to the seat" feeling, other times it just feels like my audi (nice smooth torquey feeling), but far from "In your face" pedal to the metal like a 65 should feel. Am I just getting used to the car or do others feel that same hesitation when hitting it?

I also noticed spinning em up (with ESP off) doesn't seem to be that easy. *bah* damn car... maybe I do need more pony power...

As a frame of reference, my stock (tires etc) SL65 with traction control off will break the rear tires loose at anyting below 60 MPH. Don't try this anywhere but on straight level surface with lots of room to catch if something goes wrong :X

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