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harjothundal 12-21-2009 02:04 AM

GUIDE: Installing Factory Comand Navigation (with pics)

So just this past week I installed Harman Becker's OEM Navigation computer in my 2005 w211 AMG... I searched this forum like there was no tomorrow and am thankful to all who attempted this before me. I found a lot of useful information, but I also had questions that were unanswered. Therefore I decided to create my own post to help anyone else who may be interested in doing this.

Parts Needed:

I purchased the following parts to complete this task:

Part # A 220 820 60 85 - OEM Navigation Processor
Part # A 211 540 68 33 - MOST bus extention cable
Part # B 6 7 82 3111 - Logmatic GPS Splitter

I did not have to purchase the bracket as my vehicle already had the bracket installed. If you vehicle has Keyless Go, or Parktronic, then your vehicle will already have the bracket and correct panel in the rear. If not, you will have to purchase the bracket and panel.

Part # A 211 545 63 40 - OEM Bracket
Part # A 211 690 01 53 9C53 - Left Panel

Install Overview:

This is a fairly easy install... I had some issues with my install which I will point out later. However, here are the "basic" instructions if all goes well...

You remove the trunk paneling from the left side...

My vehicle already had the bracket, so I proceeded to extending the Fiber Optics to the navigation drive...

There is an Audio Gateway that has fiber going into it. You remove the yellow Fiber wire from the AGW plug and add the Orange Fiber cable from the MOST connector you purchased from the dealer. Once you do that, you now get the yellow fiber cable you removed and add it to the open port on the most connector you purchased.

Power and antenna wires will already be located behind the bracket ziptied together.

If your teleaid is deactivated, you do not need the GPS Splitter. If it's active, then you must install the splitter otherwise you will get errors in your instrument cluster.

When you find the power and antenna wires zip-tied together, follow the black antenna wire. The end of that cable is unplugged. This is what will either plug into the GPS Splitter, or it will plug directly to the GPS Antenna where the Tele-aid is currently plugged in.

Plug everything in and make sure your Comand recognizes the Navigation Processor. If your Comand powers on for a few seconds and then turns off, there is a break in your MOST ring, and you should double check all fiber optic connectors.

On initial powerup, the processor may take a while to acqire satellite signal. Some forum members have mentioned it took from 10-30 minutes of driving for this to happen...

This is the basic step by step proces of adding factory navigation. If everything is working, close it up and enjoy!


Unfortunately, everything did not go as smooth as it could have and required more work...

My Comand noticed the Navigation processor right away, and loaded the software. However, it would not display a map, nor would it pick up any satellites. I double checked all connections but was unable to find anything that was improperly plugged in.

About a year back I had the dealer disable the Tele-Aid functionality of my vehicle. I would always get a warning message in my instrument cluster and had always assumed it was due to the service subscription being expired. This led me to search if disabling Tele-Aid would also disable the GPS antenna... Well, it doesn't. The GPS antenna is not software controlled as it is in some vehicles.

At this point I started to wonder if the navigation processor I purchased may have been bad. After all, it would not properly display a map, just show a gray screen with nothing on it.

When I would first get into the car, a map would pop up... But, the second I would begin to drive or move the vehicle, the map would dissappear and turn gray...

I started searching the intenet for aftermarket GPS antenna's i could use for testing purposes. I found forum member GAMBARI who was selling a Navigation Processor with a GPS antenna. I asked Gambari if he would let me use his antenna for testing purposes and he gladly accepted...

The next day I drove out to Gambari (a very polite respectful person) We plugged in his GPS antenna.

Nothing happened initially, but after a few minutes my Comand showed "0" satellites locked in. This confirmed that there was a fault with my factory GPS antenna. After an additional 5-10 minutes my Comand was able to lock in a few satellites. However, I still had no map being displayed.

We tried the map disc from Gambari's vehicle, but no luck... Gambari had the Navi Software upgrade disc, and the Comand software upgrade disc. What a lifesaver! So we updated the software for both devices.

For the Navi drive, just pop the software update to the rear drive and it will automatically update the software.

For the Comand drive, you eject any cd from your single disc slot and power down the comand. Then, Power up the comand, and immediately after powering up hit 1-3-8 together and keep them pressed until your screen prompt changes and asks for the update disc. I recommend having your vehicle started when doing this. The Comand update took a good 5-10 minutes. During this process be extra careful not to hit any buttons on the Comand, or not to start/shutdown the engine as this flashes the device memory; any power loss can render your Comand useless.

Once the update was complete, I had a few extra features I had not noticed before but I still had no map being displayed. By now it had been roughly an hour of tinkering in cold weather, we decided to call it quits.

The GPS antenna was magnetic. I routed the cable to where it would not be crimped and stuck the antenna on the right rear fender. Gambari and I shook hands and I paid him for the GPS antenna. Now, as I drive off, the map appeared!!!

So this is what I was able to gather. When I initially installed the unit it was not picking up any satellites. It did not know where it was so it didn't display anything on the screen. Occasionaly when I would start the car after work or something, a map would appear but it would show be as being somewhere in the midwest. This is most likely the last location the drive was powered down. As soon as I would move the map would turn gray again. This was because the unit was confused and did not know where I was.

When I drove away from Gambari's place, the unit now had GPS signal but was still confused where I was. After a few hundred feet the map appeared and showed me to be in the correct location. After searching the crap out of this forum, I learned that many people had this issue but none of the posts I ran into had a solution. In this case, it was a bad GPS antenna.

I went home and took rest. The next night I finished everything off after work. Below are pictures of the entire process.


Here are all the parts I initially ordered to complete the job

This is the MOST Bus Fiber Extention Cable

Here is the GPS Splitter

Here is the Map DVD that came with the drive I purchased

Here is the Navigation Processor Drive

This is the top of the navigation processor

Here is the side of the Navigation Processor

Here is the aftermarket GPS antenna I purchased from forum member Gambari

Here is a closeup

Here is a picture of the Connector. It is a "FAKRA" connector

Another shot of the connector

This is what the trunk left panel looks like before the drive is installed

This is a picture of the MOST connection that goes to the AGW. The most plug for the navigation has already been inserted in this picture.

This is the plug you buy from the dealer. The yellow cable is the cable you take from the AGW connector. The orange cable goes back to the AGW connector in the place that the yellow cable was removed from.

Here you get a better idea of how it plugs in. Follow the trail of the orange cable by my thumb. It goes into the AGW connector which is sitting there off to the right. That is normally where the yellow cable would have been plugged in, which is now plugged into the NAVI fiber connector.

Now, you ask yourself, where is the AGW (Audio Gateway/Amplifier) located? Its located behind this at the top right here, on the other side.

This is the the AGW looks like. In this picture, the AGW MOST plug is reinserted. The plug is the one that is highest up in the picture.

harjothundal 12-21-2009 02:05 AM

This is the Factory GPS antenna cable/connection (wire coming from top) and the wire towards the bottom is feeding out to the Tele-Aid system

This is a better view to show where it is located. It is on the other side of the wall that the AGW is located on.

This is what it would look like if you were to use the GPS splitter. The wire on top comes from the GPS antenna. The wire on the left (red) is the current wire that went to Tele-Aid. The wire on the right (black) goes to the navi drive. The Splitter mounts to the same location at the factory location was previously. You break off the black mount and put the splitter in its place.

Here is the factory GPS antenna located on the top of the rear window. It's seen better days

This is how the GPS wire feeds into the trunk. Remove this panel located on the left side of your trunk, under the window.

This rubber grommet is where the cable feeds through.

Here is a better view.

Here the grommet is removed. Be careful not to damage the grommet as I'm certain this is an area that water would travel during rainfall.

I used a Dremel and made a hole in the grommet.

Now, the hole in the trunk is to small to feed the GPS plug with the connector still attached to it. I removed the connector and was able to feed the cable like this, without the blue plug attached.

Here it is fed through. I decided to leave the Factory GPS wire in place.

When you feed the wire back into the trunk, simply feed the wire back into the connector. Then when inserted into the blue conncetor, re-insert this purple plug which will prevent it from coming out of the connector.

There it is, all re-attached and locked.

Here we have the MOST connector, the Power connector, and the Factory GPS cable waiting for the nav drive.

Here is the nav drive plugged in using the aftermarket antenna wire, not the factory GPS cable.

When sliding the Navi Drive back into place, be very cautious. I was glad to catch this. Take a look inside the bracket, the yellow wire. If I were to push the Navi Drive back any furthur, the yellow fiber cable would become damaged due to that metal piece being behind it. Always use extreme caution and care when working with Fiber Optic cables.

There it is, plugged in and locked in place. The drive will "click" when it's funny inserted and locked.

harjothundal 12-21-2009 02:06 AM

Here is the GPS cable being routed.

Here is another view.

Here it is all done. At first I didn't like how it looked, but I've since tucked the wire in some more and it looks ok. I preferred mounting it outside rather than inside on the rear deck to achieve better coverage/signal.

Here is the factory GPS wire ziptied to the Navi power wire.

Here is the other end ziptied. There are a lot of electronics on the left side of the trunk. The last thing you would want is for loose conncetors to move around and short components out.

This is a cover that was there when I initially took the trunk apart. My best guess would be it's to help absorb/keep water away from the electronics if the rubber grommet for the GPS plug was to ever fail.

Here is the panel put back in place. You must trim out a piece where the Navi drive is located.

Here it is trimmed and finished. Not the best job, but it's good enough. I used a dremel to cut it out and did it freehand while the panel was still in the trunk.

When you first plug the Navigation Processor into the most bus, your Comand will load software. This will also happen if you upgrade the Nav map DVD to a newer version. Takes roughly 2-3 minutes.

This is what I was getting after installing the unit. It is showing me to be somewhere mid-west. No satellites location, no lattitude/longitude display.

This is what would happen the second the car moved. The Processor would be confused as to where it is, and display a gray blank map.

If you hit the "nav" and "5" button, you will get this hidden menu for the Navi Drive. Scroll down the "GPS" and hit ok.

This is what you get when you go to the "GPS" screen. Notice how the date and time is incorrect. This is the date and time that the drive picks up from the GPS satellites. Since there was no GPS signal, its all 0's mostly.

Here is how it looked once I had a good antenna plugged in.

Here is the map while the car was in the garage, still being able to lock in 2 satellites.

And here we are, the next day. Driving around town with a great signal and 12 satellites locked in.

harjothundal 12-21-2009 02:23 AM

This is another option in the GPS Service mode. You can change the map color. The name of this map is w211 Day

The name of this map is w240 Day

If you don't see this option for the "eta" then your Comand drive needs the firmware update.

hooleyboy 12-21-2009 02:28 AM

Insane write up. Best one I've seen in a very very long time. :y:bow:

harjothundal 12-21-2009 02:18 PM

Thank You Hooleyboy! Just giving back to a community that has given me so much knowledge :y

I also forgot to mention in the above posts that some say that Star programming is required to tell the vehicle there is now another device in the most chain, and to enable the route guidance in the instrument cluster where the speedo is. I have not done this, though I do think I will go and get it done. Just wanted to convey the fact that it's been a few days and all has been working well without any dealer programming at all... From research I figured it will usually take the dealer 1 hour of labor in programming time...

With the exception of the bad GPS antenna, this was pretty much a "plug and play" install :zoom:

hannod 01-11-2010 08:25 AM

Thanx for such illustration & explaination. A++++++++++

Teflonman 01-11-2010 09:36 AM

WOW :eek

Mercedes needs to hire you :D

Incredible writeup!

Peter_02AMG 01-11-2010 11:20 AM

Nice job!:y

OXOJE55 01-11-2010 11:53 AM


jpohl402 04-06-2010 02:44 AM


I briefly read it this evening (been up for 19 hours)
but I see you noted it cost less than 1k....

I assume that means buying at least the trunk-mounted DVD drive, can you give me a better estimate if I have all that Hardware (including wiring) ?

But the wiring may be too difficult to remove from current vehicle, so maybe I should just use new wiring/antenna/etc - any thoughts to that ?

RunnerD 04-08-2010 09:07 PM

Amazing post. So detailed with pictures. Helped me fix my problem.

tete1511 06-07-2010 12:18 PM

hello thank for all can yu tell me where you bought the OEM Navigation Processor??thank you

harjothundal 06-08-2010 02:08 AM

I purchased the processor from ebay, the sellers id was euro-customs... If you search for w211 navigation, you will see them pop up with the drive.

janoe55 06-14-2010 02:52 AM

Awesome write up and pics :y

skinnes72 06-18-2010 10:30 PM

I just completed my install on my 2005 E55. It went without a hitch thanks to your post.

itsmeek 07-10-2010 10:50 PM

So if teleaid is disabled, all one needs to buy is the dvd drive/dvd/and the extension cable??

harjothundal 07-10-2010 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by itsmeek (Post 4154047)
So if teleaid is disabled, all one needs to buy is the dvd drive/dvd/and the extension cable??

Regardless if teleaid is disabled or not, you need those 3 parts and maybe the bracket depending on if your vehicle already it or not...

jagass 07-10-2010 11:03 PM

Thanks for this article man. Nice information you have here.

itsmeek 07-18-2010 05:55 PM

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, I will ask one more question:

In order to install nav on a 2005 amg e55 that did not come w/nav or keyless go, I need ONLY the below (the antenna you purchased was because your oem antenna was damaged, correct??):

Also- where can I get the rest of the parts besides the Navigation processor online??

Part # A 220 820 60 85 - OEM Navigation Processor
Part # A 211 540 68 33 - MOST bus extention cable
Part # B 6 7 82 3111 - Logmatic GPS Splitter
Part # A 211 545 63 40 - OEM Bracket
Part # A 211 690 01 53 9C53 - Left Panel

harjothundal 07-19-2010 12:50 AM

That is correct... Does your vehicle have Parktronic? If I remember correctly, the parktronic module also mounts in the same bracket... Best bet is to take your left rear panel off and visually check if you have it or not...

Other than that, you have the right parts listed... You may want to go to your local dealer to see if any of the parts have been superseded with newer revisions, though I used them all and it worked fine... That's also the only place I know of to purchase them... I'm sure there are online parts depots, though I have not used any of them...

Good luck, let me know if you need any more help!

Bonai Kid 09-05-2010 04:57 PM

That was easy!
:) Another happy installer! Thanks for the detailed information;I completed the install in 1 hour 45 minutes...it was great powering up the system and the Command unit recognized the DVD and GPS antenna immediately. I am a happy man. THANKS for THE POST!!:y

grimm 09-15-2010 01:55 AM

This needs to be stickied. Very thorough writeup.

503benz 10-08-2010 09:35 PM

i got a 03 E320 and it not come with a GPS, i was thinking of put one in. anyone know what part do i need? see some on ebay that said just plug and play but i know it more into that then what they say. any info will be helpfull thankx

WHTEVO 10-14-2010 11:54 PM

Nice write up.


Educoshaun 11-09-2010 06:20 AM

Excellent description and makes installation look very easy......Thanks

jthorpeatc 01-27-2011 10:47 AM

awesome pics!

NCE500 01-27-2011 04:34 PM

Re: Navi Install
Great write up, and congrats on getting OEM Navi in your car.

When I bought my new non Navi E500 back in 05, I had the dealer install Navi as part of the deal. They balked at first, citing costs, but ended up doing it to get the sale. I drove the car for a week or so without the Navi, and it was a huge enhancement after it was done. It took them 2 days to get the car back to me, with appointment, I now see why.

Evolved8 01-27-2011 06:10 PM

I will def. be doing this once I'm done installing my headers. I already upgraded to the 05+ command

xpl0sive 03-21-2012 12:36 AM

thank you for this writeup and the pictures. i used it to install a new GPS antenna.

MPOW33R 07-05-2012 04:16 AM

So thankful for your write up !!

I have an 03 e500 - All my wires were already there.
I have read on countless threads that 04 1/2 and UP need to route wires
Im the lucky one. Everything was on my side and my NAV was plug and play
Of all the parts listed all I dont see is the splitter.
I have an 03 e500 Sport with the sh*tty tape deck.

I had a friend who totaled his car- he let me take his Command Unit,.

I took the Head Unit and Nav Unit.

Everything was plug and play. My car had the wiring in the rear for
the NAV unit and only worked when both were plugged in (front and back)

Stereo works everything works BUT the NAV.

There is ONE black wire that has an antenna line feel to it.
Its coming from the cars internal wiring in the trunk, it jumps off the
NAV units power and lead wires.

That is the only UNPLUGGED wire in the rear section. However there is
nowhere I can find for it to plug into. There is a similar wire that comes from the
front of the car to the back and then right behind trunk hinge on the driver side
it leads up and appears to route up to my cars snubby antenna.

Is this why my NAV doesnt work? I feels as if its my antenna for NAV?

NAV worked in the car I took it from right before I took it out.


I did unplug the antenna cable and instantly the Tele Aid flashed on my cluster.

That being said, does it seem like all I need is the splitter to make my NAV work?

I have a full functioning head unit, radio cdc and cd and mp3 and DVD audio all working.
I just did the software update on the head unit. Only the single drive in my head unit
has all the new updates. CD changer only plays regular CDs.

ps - Where can I find the NAV software update?

pps - How or what do I need to install XM Sat Radio? Does that jump off my AUX or Can I really Have

CD, CDC, FM, AUX & SAT?? Really is MBZ this effing Awesome?

03'55AMG 07-05-2012 12:36 PM

wish I could upgrade to command... I hate this stupid basic head unit..

AMGPilot 07-06-2012 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by 03'55AMG (Post 5269225)
wish I could upgrade to command... I hate this stupid basic head unit..


You can

03'55AMG 07-06-2012 12:23 AM

Wish I could as in Wish I could afford to. better yet, wish my dad put some more options on this car when he bought it..:nix::crazy:

2008AMG63 07-06-2012 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by 03'55AMG (Post 5270174)
Wish I could as in Wish I could afford to. better yet, wish my dad put some more options on this car when he bought it..:nix::crazy:

There are other options....

You can get an iPad, an application like REV or Dashcommand, and hook it up with a wifi system like KIWI WIFI to your OBDCII...

Plus movies, maps, Music, etc.

There are many youtubes showing it.

nsraja 10-15-2012 02:04 PM

Wow!! After looking at this post, I want to add GPS unit to my car. Incredibly well written and detailed posting. May God (if there is one) bless you, your kids, your grand kids and great grand kids .... :)

KrazyKorean 11-28-2012 10:20 PM

Great right up, quick question, how do you know if your teleaid is deactivated or not?

sack5000 11-29-2012 07:08 AM

Very impressive, any chance you have similar instructions for back up camera? Thnx.

the_engineeer 04-10-2014 07:54 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I have a faulty navi DVD unit on my -04 E320cdi wagon and I found one that might work with the part# A2208206085004.
My own DVD has the part# A2208206085005 though, do anyone of you know if these two are interchangeable? They are the same 6059 models but they do have a few different markings:

6059K EC:124 mfg.date 48/03 Q04

6059H EC:134 mfg.date 34/04 Q05

C32owner 04-10-2014 09:20 AM

Still got to be one of the best DIY posts to date!!! Fantastic job mate! :y

turbo97se 04-10-2014 03:18 PM

Fantastic DIY .. super detailed. For anyone that is looking to install full navigation system including AGW, Comand, nav drive, iPOD etc ... hit me up. I just installed NTG 2.5 and have all of these parts for sale. Prefer to sell as a complete set.

fernmc 11-03-2015 08:43 AM

GPS antenna already installed?
I drive a CLK320 w209 2004. It has a radio cassette stereo, CD charger, telephone (don't have the cradle) and star communication factory installed. I learned that short after I bought the car, the new models came with a double din GPS I want to replace my radio cassette with Avin Avant 2 double din GPS. I am wondering whether the antenna I have is already GPS ready. Does anyone know whether the factory antenna has also a connection (or connector) for GPS?

brental1 05-18-2016 06:29 PM

GUIDE Installing Factory Comand Navigation
Great write up and documentation, Thanks.
I'm in the process of retrofitting my 06 SLK. I've cobbled together most of the parts. I'm converting from Audio 20 to Comand, so have to add an AGW. I'm stuck on one point. I read posts about making sure I got a twin tuner AGW. I think I did; and it has 2 antenna connections. Both FAKRA, one yellow, one dark blue/black. In a document I found, the yellow one is labeled "Connection plug IF connection". What is this and what/where is the antenna that feeds this plug?


harjothundal 05-18-2016 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by brental1 (Post 6806629)
I read posts about making sure I got a twin tuner AGW. I think I did; and it has 2 antenna connections. Both FAKRA, one yellow, one dark blue/black. In a document I found, the yellow one is labeled "Connection plug IF connection". What is this and what/where is the antenna that feeds this plug?

I am not sure, as your car is a different platform. For the w211, I can verify that the GPS antenna connector was blue. Aside from that, I am not able to offer any additional advice. Good luck!

lsd709 06-14-2016 10:15 PM

i have only one question for that, i did every thing step by step by following your guide. but the only thing is i can hear the DVD player reading the DVD however, the screen is not showing installing Map, still shows GPS device not available. may i ask how to fix that? please.


brental1 06-15-2016 11:34 AM

Installing Factory Comand

Originally Posted by harjothundal (Post 6806695)
I am not sure, as your car is a different platform. For the w211, I can verify that the GPS antenna connector was blue. Aside from that, I am not able to offer any additional advice. Good luck!

Thanks for the response. I understand the GPS antenna. The existing GPS antenna in the car is connected to the TeleAid. To add NAV, I added an antenna splitter. One output connects to the TeleAid; the other connects to the NAV DVD unit.

I'm confused about the radio antenna. The rod antenna on the car currently connects to the Audio 20 head unit. Audio 20 is a single unit containing radio tuners and amplifier. With Comand, the head unit is just a display (and CD player). The AGW (audio gateway) contains the radio tuners and amplifier. The AGW has 2 FAKRA antenna jacks; one yellow, one black. I don't understand the purpose of, or how to feed the 2 FAKRA jacks.

DamageHigh 12-22-2019 06:19 AM


I'm installing NAV drive to my W211, I don't have Tele Aid, do I need antenna splitter then? Thank you!

Btw I'm from Europe, my Comand has green FAKRA connector on the back, but no TV option, and obviously no Navigation, also no HK audio system and no Tele Aid and Phone integration.

charlesb2003 02-03-2020 11:26 PM

I'm about to do this retrofit, I've got the nav drive already, just ordered the splitter, extension cable, and bracket from ECS Tuning. Just need the side panel now. Anyone know a good source for those parts online? Good as in inexpensive? Used is fine as long as it's not trashed.

Also would really like to update everything to the latest SW version and have the 2016 maps as well. My headunit SW version is 10.270, not sure what my nav unit SW version is as I haven't finished hooking it up yet. I've seen several discs for sale on eBay but I would appreciate some direction before I buy anything. Thanks!!

charlesb2003 02-13-2020 08:45 PM

Update - I just received my order from ECS Tuning. The bracket they sent me is clearly marked A 211 545 63 40, but it looks nothing like the bracket I need. Can someone please help me figure out what I'm missing? Thanks!

Here are some pics of what I received:


DamageHigh 02-14-2020 05:51 AM

Hello @charlesb2003

This bracket is for the Parktronic control module I think, you need this one: A2115455440, as for the side panel, I don't know where to buy them as my car already has correct side panel.

Please go again to Engineering menu and write me SW Ver. HU then I will know which version you have.
You can download maps from internet for free and burn it on DVD, but if you are below V12 then you will first have to download V12 and then from V12 to whichever version you want.
You have this bracket
You have this bracket
This is how it looks when everything is done

charlesb2003 02-14-2020 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by DamageHigh (Post 7980585)
Hello @charlesb2003

This bracket is for the Parktronic control module I think, you need this one: A2115455440, as for the side panel, I don't know where to buy them as my car already has correct side panel.

Please go again to Engineering menu and write me SW Ver. HU then I will know which version you have.
You can download maps from internet for free and burn it on DVD, but if you are below V12 then you will first have to download V12 and then from V12 to whichever version you want.

You have this bracket

You have this bracket

This is how it looks when everything is done


Thanks for the very helpful post! I'll order the other bracket ASAP.

I recently updated the headunit firmware to the latest version so I no longer have access to the engineering menu. It was from this link - https://mbworld.org/forums/w211-amg/...ml#post7380012

I hooked up the navigation drive I bought just to eject the disc and it's from 2005.5, not sure the version. Could you post or PM me the link to download the map DVDs? It would be very much appreciated!

charlesb2003 02-14-2020 10:07 AM

Also if anyone could help with a part number for the side panel for the trunk, my car has fold down rear seats and black carpet, and I do have the little chrome tie down loops in the floor. Thanks!

DamageHigh 02-14-2020 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by charlesb2003 (Post 7980731)
Thanks for the very helpful post! I'll order the other bracket ASAP.

I recently updated the headunit firmware to the latest version so I no longer have access to the engineering menu. It was from this link - https://mbworld.org/forums/w211-amg/...ml#post7380012

I hooked up the navigation drive I bought just to eject the disc and it's from 2005.5, not sure the version. Could you post or PM me the link to download the map DVDs? It would be very much appreciated!

No problem! Are you sure you don't have anymore access to the engineering menu? Because I also updated to the latest version and I still have access to the engineering menu...then again I am from Europe maybe only EU headunits have access to the engineering menu in the latest version.
On the disc it's written which Version it is, this old DVD from 2003 was in DVD Navi drive when I bought it, as you can see it says V4.1
I downloaded maps for Europe I don't have maps for USA, but you can easily search for it on internet ( Mercedes W211 NTG1 USA maps )

DamageHigh 02-14-2020 05:44 PM

@charlesb2003 No problem! Are you sure you don't have anymore access to the engineering menu? Because I also updated to the latest version and I still have access to the engineering menu...then again I am from Europe maybe only EU headunits have access to the engineering menu in the latest version.
On the disc it's written which Version it is, this old DVD from 2003 was in DVD Navi drive when I bought it, as you can see it says V4.1
I downloaded maps for Europe I don't have maps for USA, but you can easily search for it on internet ( Mercedes W211 NTG1 USA maps )

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