Bait Car: Gold-Digger Reveals True Intentions in SLS AMG Prank

Bait Car: Gold-Digger Reveals True Intentions in SLS AMG Prank

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Trying to talk to or pick up somebody you’re attracted to takes a tremendous amount of courage. You’re making yourself completely vulnerable by exposing your feelings, often to a complete stranger. In that moment, you are at that person’s mercy, asking to be judged right there on the spot while you stand in front of that person. How that person reacts and handles your advances can tell you a lot about them.

Example A: The girl in the “gold digger prank” video below, from comedian and prankster Josh Paler Lin.

Lin approaches the girl while lazily clad in pajamas and a goofy hat. She shoots Lin down and tells him she has a serious boyfriend. Josh’s friend, who is a dapper gentleman in a suit, pulls up in a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. The suited friend approaches the girl, who is obviously interested and now says she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

Then Lin switches it up again; he shows back up and the suited friend hands the keys over and calls Lin “Boss.” The girl flip-flops again and proceeds to act interested in Lin. *drops net* Caught in the act, Ms. Gold-Digger!

Here’s the thing: Everybody is entitled to his or her opinions and ways of handling things. I don’t necessarily blame her for lying about the boyfriend, it’s a common tactic to get somebody to go away. And in a world of aggressive pick-up tactics, sometimes that’s needed. Her mistake was getting thirsty when she found out who actually owned the beautiful car. It’s one thing to want financial security in a partner or relationship. It’s another to so blatantly be chasing the cash source.

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Via [Josh Paler Lin]

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