CLK AMG Black Has Perfect Response to Snooty Bicyclist

CLK AMG Black Has Perfect Response to Snooty Bicyclist

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Bicycles are really great forms of transportation. They’re cheap, require no gas, and get you out into the world instead of trapped inside a car. They’re also a wonderful way to see and experience the things around you. However, there’s a dark side to bicycles, and that’s namely the people that ride them on the street.

Near my house in Southern California, there are some absolutely stunning mountain roads. They twist and turn, and climb to crazy heights. This not only makes them a Mecca for car enthusiasts that want to run the canyons, but also for bicyclists that want to tone their glutes. It’s just lycra shorts as far as the eye can see some days. And while I can deal with the lycra shorts, it’s the self-righteous indignation that I encounter from these people that really gets me.

They feel they own the road, even when there’s not a single spot on the road for them to travel safely. For that reason, and that reason alone, bicycles just shouldn’t be allowed on the road. Now, this is all well and good, and I’m sure many of you will agree with me on this stance, but what has any of this got to do with MBworld? Well, let me tell you.

Recently, while hooning about the streets of London, a Mercedes CLK AMG Black driver was yelled at by a bicyclist. The two got into a fairly heated argument that resulted in the bicyclist calling over some random person to be a witness. In true AMG fashion, the driver was having none of it, so he screeched off in a giant cloud of tire smoke, which quickly put an end to that argument!

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Via [AdamC3046]

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