Which is the Best Color for Your Ride?

Which is the Best Color for Your Ride?

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It seems that there are only three colors ever actually chosen by new car buyers: Black, Silver, and White. Of course, these are obvious choices, due to resale value. Because who wants a metallic flame orange, or outrageous neon green car? (I do, actually, but I’m part of that percentage of weirdos who also thinks I could daily a Zonda. I’m not exactly part of the regular crowd.)

However, one color that particularly stands out due to its rarity among Mercedes is the Lunar Blue Metallic. It’s absolutely stunning, but gives off a sense of class that other more vibrant colors might not imbue.

The C63 AMG below just happens to be a forum favorite, and the color matched with this car is fantastic.


Our forum members are having a bit of a color fight in this thread here, so go on over and give them your two cents.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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