Queen Elizabeth’s Landaulet Is Classic Mercedes Royalty at Its Best

Queen Elizabeth’s Landaulet Is Classic Mercedes Royalty at Its Best

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Rolling royalty around requires a special kind of vehicle, even when it comes to a brand as highly regarded as Mercedes-Benz.

The Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman Landaulet certainly fits those qualifications, which is why it once served as the automobile of choice for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip during their first trip to Germany in 1965. More specifically, the car was used to transport the royal couple and their belongings from FRG’s Cologne-Bonn Airport to various destinations.

Now, this classic piece of motor memorabilia commemorating that historic visit is being offered up for sale, according to Auto Evolution. One of only 59 specialty models of the W100 built, the Landaulet in itself is a special piece of machinery. But one crowned by Queen Elizabeth? Well, that’s an entirely different type of collectible.

The car is being sold by Mercedes-Benz specialist Mechatronik, with “pricing available upon request,” which essentially means, only the super-rich need apply.

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Via [Auto Evolution]

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