Resurrection of the Week: C280 for a Cool $250

Resurrection of the Week: C280 for a Cool $250

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1994 Mercedes-Benz C280

For a while now, the “Photos of the Week” feature has been about beautiful images of beautiful cars. But as some of us (some more than others) are aware, even beautiful cars can have their off days. An off day is a slight understatement for member mbsickness when his 1994 C280 was sandwiched between two cars after being rear-ended. The front/back bumpers were both destroyed, the hood tented, and coolant bled from under the car. He did what many of us would do: called his insurance company and prepared to say “goodbye” to his car.

1994 Mercedes-Benz C280 Crashed

Sure enough, the car was written off with a $9,000+ repair estimate. Silver, gold and platinum lining saw the salvage value of the car to be a meager $250. With the obvious exterior damage, and the need to replace the radiator, radiator support and power-steering pump, he was hesitant to buy it back.

After a significant amount of laboring and love, the car started coming back together. First mechanically, and then aesthetically as well. I haven’t enough room to go into detail, but check out the forum post for a walkthrough of the repairs completed. As it stands, the car really only needs a hood repaint (if you know anybody in the Bay Area of San Fran, let him know), but it’s back in full working order. It’s always inspiring to see the dedication in this community, and for his, mbsickness deserves a tip of all our proverbial hats.

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