Mercedes = Tease

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Mercedes-AMG GT Drifting

Tease. That’s what the Mercedes-Benz ad department is. A massive tease. Hell, its teases have teases, and on top of those are more teasers than anything seen before for any car. I’m of course describing the marketing teaser campaign for the new AMG GT coupe they are building.

Mercedes-AMG GT Tease Featured
Over the course of the last few months, a slow trickle of thousands of teasers have shown up directly from Mercedes’ ad department saying, “It’s coming!” and “Everyone is excited that it’s coming!” It’s worked everyone into a fervor. Well, now we have a confirmed date on when we will finally get to see the new coupe in the flesh: next week.

Mercedes and AMG will debut the car on Sept. 9 with a full public debut at the Paris Motor Show in October. Like me, if you have been sitting by your computer with an RSS feed that is tracking anything about this car, next week is going to be big for you. Unfortunately, I’m not a distinguished member of the press just yet, so I won’t be there for the full reveal, but a few friends will, and hopefully we will get some killer shots.

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