Happy Holidays Contest From MBWorld

Happy Holidays Contest From MBWorld

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As Christmas draws ever closer, we at MBWorld have decided to spread the holiday joy, and present you with a contest that will see four of you winning something special.

“Four (4) lucky members will be selected to receive one copy of the book Driven to Delight. Nowhere else can you find this in-depth, all-access look at senior leadership’s vision, strategy, and tactical steps to create and sustain the wide-sweeping actions needed to deliver a customer experience that lives up to the company’s brand promise, ‘the best or nothing.'”


Here’s what you have to do to enter. Jump on the MBWorld forum and post a holiday-themed comment or picture by December 20th in our sweepstakes thread. The contest will remain open until 12 p.m. Pacific Time. From those entered, four people will be chosen to receive the prize detailed above. So get snapping, get some holiday cheer, bring out the reindeer noses and antlers, and let’s see the best holiday pictures you’ve got!

Snow burnouts also work as holiday-themed. Good luck, and happy holidays!

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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