Old LS430 Causes Man to Hate His GT-R, So He Buys an AMG E63S

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2014 AMG E63S

Here’s a Mercedes-buying story you don’t hear every day.

Club Lexus forum member (and apparent insomniac) DONT SLEEP bought a Lexus SC400 in 2009, and a couple more after that. Alas, though DONT SLEEP loved the SC, as he mentions in a recent thread post, “there was one thing missing… the car just wasn’t ‘sporty’ enough.”

A couple of years and many hours of research later, DONT SLEEP pulled the trigger on a 2006 E55 AMG with upwards of 60k miles. He loved the car, primarily because of its duality as a performance car and a luxury car. Alas, it just didn’t have good enough handling for him, and the automatic transmission was too slow. Plus, there were a number of unexpected repairs. So, after a couple of years and a better job, DONT SLEEP moved on.

He began looking for a true sports car, and he found just that with a deal on a brand new 2014 GT-R. Which he loved, and loved even more once he started learning how to modify the car and truly unleash the beast.

Alas, that GT-R was just no good in the mid-Atlantic winter, so DONT SLEEP went searching for a “winter beater.” And he went back to Lexus: “My wife and I had our first baby so a four door was a must, and I just happened to come across an LS430 that was a great deal, so I bought it.” Congratulations! And, congratulations!

It’s a 2003 with 118k miles on it (the Lexus, not the baby), and DONT SLEEP thinks it’s probably the best car he’s ever owned. So much so, he’s started to hate driving the GT-R.

“I tried to complement my desire to have a pure sports car with the LS430, a purely comfortable/practical car, but now the LS430 gets driven 9/10 times when I leave the house. I just find it stunning that an old cheap Lexus beater somehow killed my desire for owning a super car. I just recently started hated driving my GT-R because of how uncomfortable the ride is.”

This may not come as a surprise, given his car-buying past, but DONT SLEEP again dove into the market, looking for something to replace the GT-R, something with the best of both worlds, specifically a “4-door with decent performance.” So he traded in the GT-R for the 2014 AMG E63S you see here. Well done, sir.

Quite the car adventure, wouldn’t you say?

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