Mercedes to Skip New York Auto Show 2020

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Mercedes Benz booth at the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show in California

Mercedes looks to focus on marketing and interacting with customers in more modern ways.

In an effort to focus more on retail and digital customer interaction, Mercedes has opted to drop out of the New York Auto Show for 2020. With current 3D modeling technology, it’s no surprise the company wants to move to the digital world. The cost of shipping cars all over the world for various auto shows is a whole lot more than building a website. Not to mention what it costs to assemble the big, fancy booths and displays. When potential customers can get a full inside and out look online, then experience it in person at a dealership, it seems to make auto show attendance a moot point. However, not everyone agrees with the decision.

According to Automotive News, some think this isn’t a great idea. Various Mercedes dealers have concerns regarding their absence from the show. After all, New York is one of the biggest luxury car markets in the world.

Merecdes Benz decides to drop New York Auto show from attendance list after LA Auto Show 2019

“When you’ve got the competition present at a show, and you’re absent, that’s a black eye,” said one Mercedes dealer who wanted to remain anonymous, according to Automotive News.

That is a fair point, indeed. When brands like Audi and Lexus are still out there flaunting what they’ve got, it would make a lot of sense for Mercedes to maintain their attendance. However, Mercedes is not the only luxury brand to leave NYC. BMW did not attend the New York Auto Show in 2019 and seems to have no plans to participate in 2020 either. Perhaps, then, there is something to it. Mercedes has been experimenting with various new marketing techniques, such as pop-up dealerships at luxury malls to get would-be buyers more familiar with the brand, instead of focusing solely on sales numbers. Additionally, they are offering more hands-on driving experiences.

Merecedes at LA Auto Show in 2019 Los Angeles California

With Mercedes moving into the future in terms of vehicle development, it’s no surprise to see them turn to the modern world on the corporate side of things as well. While it will be a bit of a bummer to stop seeing their new models and developments at auto shows, we certainly understand why it’s appealing to the company. Do you think they’re making the right decision?

Photos: Mercedes-Benz USA

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