Why Do Concept Cars Look So Terrible These Days?

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Whatever happened to the concept of concept cars looking awesome? Why do all the new concept “Cars of the Future” look like radioactive fish that live at the bottom of the oceans, never seeing the light of day?

Sure it may have something to do with aerodynamics and green technology, but why can’t we build a concept that looks spectacular AND efficient? Supercars have both? Or at least they have the aero part.


Case in point: the new Mercedes F 015 Luxury in Motion concept. It’s supposedly where Mercedes sees the future of the automobile going — completely driverless and with all the charisma of a wet trout.

Seriously Mercedes, you just built the SLS and AMG GT, both had to be aerodynamically good, but they still manage to be aesthetically beautiful. Why can’t a concept do that?


We used to have rockets and weird fins, and all manner of crazy designs. We can definitely go back to it, right? Please? I just can’t even look at this concept anymore.

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