Daily Driving Sucks Because of These People

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Driving. What a thing. It can cause so much joy or so much pain. From a mental standpoint, most of that pain is rooted in exterior forces, like people who don’t know a damn thing about piloting a vehicle. And when you sit in a car driving around town every single day, that wears you down. To illustrate as much, as you can see below, the boys over at Car Throttle made an entire video dedicated to those who make daily driving a nightmare.

Here’s a quick list of the antagonists: tailgaters, cyclists, people who don’t pull away from lights quickly, slow drivers, people who don’t indicate, hesitant drivers, lane hogs, traffic light creepers, inattentive pedestrians, and being stuck behind an old diesel.

Now, I don’t necessarily think that these offenders do this on purpose. More often than not, they’re just that dumb or not paying attention at all, so I don’t feel bad about shaming any of them. In my own personal opinion, I’d have to say the worst three are tailgaters, people who don’t indicate, and slow drivers. All three of these folks are excessively dangerous. And they also just make me furious, because there’s really no reason for any of those things to happen. Nothing grinds my gears more than completely oblivious drivers.

If I had to add one or two, I’d include people who are five cars back at a stoplight and honk .07 seconds after the light turns, and people who can’t make up their minds how fast they want to go on the highway, so you end up changing lanes back and forth like an idiot. I disrespectfully salute these people with a very long and tall middle finger.

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via [Car Throttle]

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