Early Technological Advancements from Mercedes-Benz

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The first patent for an automobile belongs to Benz.The first patent for an automobile belongs to Benz.

Cars and car technology have evolved since the first “horseless carriage” grunted and burped its way down a thoroughfare. Someone that hasn’t been around would be dumb-founded if you put one of the first generation of Mercedes next to an example of today’s Mercedes; although the basic principles have remained unchanged throughout the years, the supportive technologies have evolved greatly.

Mercedes-Benz is an Automotive Innovator

Mercedes has been known to be at the forefront of advancing automotive technologies since its inception. The company has been heaped with dozens of “firsts” over the years, ranging from safety innovations to performance innovations.

  • Karl Benz was granted the world’s first automotive patent in 1886 for his “Motorwagen”.
  • Daimler wins the first auto race ever held-in Paris – 1894.
  • In 1901, Mercedes is the first to come out with closed-system cooling and honeycomb radiators.
  • Daimler-Benz manufactures battery-electric cars, buses, and fire trucks – 1906.
  • 1910 sees the introduction of multi-valve engines in a Benz touring car.
  • The Mercedes 170 from 1931 introduced the world to four-wheel independent suspensions.
  • 1939 sees the company begin safety testing and engineering passenger safety concepts into its vehicles, such as the rigid floor, side-impact protection, and collapsible steering wheels.

Mercedes-Benz Brought Us Many Things We Now Expect

As one of the oldest automakers on the planet, much of what we take for granted today was introduced by Daimler-Benz/Mercedes-Benz. Every time you shift your automatic transmission out of park, bypassing detents, you’re using a 1963 company invention.

The 50s and 60s saw a number of innovations in safety programs that consumers take for granted today. The company started looking into crumple zones in the mid 50s. They were the first to implement stringent crash test programs during development.

This is just a quick listing of some of the automotive industry “firsts” that can be attributed to Daimler-Benz/Mercedes-Benz through the first half of the 20th Century. A complete listing can be found on the MBUSA Tech Innovation site.

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