Mercedes H2O Concept Will Let You Explore Like Jacques Cousteau

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Earlier this year, Mercedes pulled the veil off what they believe we’ll all be driving, or rather riding in, by the year 2030. It’s called the F 015 Luxury in Motion concept. While the name is silly, the rest of the car’s tech isn’t. The car is a tech lover’s dream with full driverless controls, a small area that passengers sit in and relax, and a way to drown out the outside world. Essentially, the concept is a giant, state-of-the-art, driverless limo.

Now though, Mercedes is looking past 2030 and well into the future of travel all together with the company’s newest concept, the Mercedes-Benz H2O.

While the concept has a sort of weird duck-face look about it, the H2O concept is a vehicle that brings together a “symbiosis of science and ecotourism.” Designed as a submarine to take people on trips throughout the ocean, the H2O concept was originally thought up by Markus Krautter for his Master’s Thesis project. Krautter states that the H2O concept will help people understand the fragility of our planet by taking them to places they never thought possible. “In our modern times, it is increasingly necessary to take care of natural treasures, which are a fundamental part of our existence,” Krautter explained to FormTrends.

What do you all think? Will this concept ever see the light of day, or rather dip itself into the deep blue waters of our planet’s oceans? I sure hope it comes to be, just because it would be awesome to explore the oceans like this.

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via [FormTrends]

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