Mercedes Takes Luxury Title for First Time in a Decade

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Things are definitely looking up for Mercedes-Benz.

Not that they were ever looking down. But still, for the first time since 2004, the brand topped all other luxury car companies in sales, recording a total of 483,487 units sold in the first quarter of 2016.

That’s 4,000 more cars than the 478,743 BMW sold for the same period, putting Mercedes on top of its chief rival for the first time in a decade. Audi, on the other hand, sold 455,750 vehicles in the first quarter, according to Fox News.

Mercedes credits most of its surge to China, where it saw sales spike up 36.4% in the first quarter of the year. That trend is expected to continue to grow as Mercedes looks to expand its offerings in China, which now ranks as the world’s largest car market.

Fox reports that Mercedes sales are expected to reach 2,002,383 by the end of the year, compared with 1,940,647 for BMW and 1,825,688 for Audi.

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Via [Fox News]

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