Maniacal Benz Driver Runs Straight Into a Parked Rolls-Royce

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Have you ever been playing a car video game and were either distracted, lost interest, or realized your pizza rolls just finished in the microwave? If you just dropped the controller without pausing, you probably saw an automobile pinball of sorts, with the car ping, ping, pinging off whatever’s around. That’s what this Mercedes-Benz driver looks like. Except this is real life, and the pinball bumpers are Rolls-Royces and other luxury cars. Oof.

Taken at the Sheraton Hotel in Doha, Qatar, the video below shows a Mercedes-Benz M-Class (now the GLE) on a parking lot rampage. The source article from Almuraba states that the driver was drunk when this was happening, which would sadly make a lot more sense. Either way, the Benz ends up nose deep in a Rolls-Royce Ghost before the driver is taken away by authorities, as he appears to be laughing like a hyena.

Thankfully, there was nobody in the R-R, and everyone was okay.

Now let this be a final lesson to everyone: don’t drink and drive!

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Via [Almuraba]

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