S63 AMG Owner Smashes Living Daylights Out of It

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There’s a reason why Tesla has forgone traditional dealerships in favor of a direct relationship with the customer. Dealerships are often places where greedy, little people reside, finding new ways to screw the consumer over. Case in point, a Mercedes dealership in Korea recently refused to honor an agreement after one of their cars was deemed a lemon.

The car in question was a brand new S63 AMG. For quite some time, the owner experienced a stalling problem with the car. He took it to the dealership, who agreed that if the problem persisted, they would refund the man’s money. The problem persisted, but the dealership didn’t honor the refund agreement.

Now, the owner of the Mercedes S63 AMG could have gone to corporate, he also could have taken his case to a local judge. But no. To show what he really thought of the dealership and the car as a whole, he parked it right outside the dealership’s office, pulled out a 7-iron (presumably), and then proceeded to smash the living daylights out of the super-sedan.

If you don’t want to see a $100,000 AMG destroyed, I wouldn’t hit play below. But for those that want to witness the absolute carnage, hit it.

Crazy, right? But what do you make of this? Should the dealer be responsible for the unbelievably bad PR Mercedes is getting from this? Should they get their trademark licenses revoked? And is this just another nail in the whole dealership coffin?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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