Supermodel Karlie Kloss Chases CLA in Artsy Short

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Supermodel Karlie Kloss Chases CLA in Artsy Short

Mercedes’ CLA made it’s US debut officially at the Detroit Auto Show earlier this week. Strangely, it also made it’s debut in film this week as a character in a short film premiering on fashion/culture/art site

The basic premise is this: model Karlie Kloss takes the CLA for a cruise through the countryside and runs into trouble. The CLA gets jealous and drives off, forcing the distraught model to chase after it on foot. Why? Because art.

Yeah, I’m just going to go ahead and file this one under “wtf.” If you’ve got three minutes, it’s worth the watch if you’re into the CLA. Or Karlie Kloss. Or horses. I don’t know your life okay?

via [Autoblog]

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