The Car You Dreamed of Has Just Been Replaced by the AMG GT

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When you are a company like Mercedes, you have a certain status to maintain. That means that when you come out with a brand new sports car, you had better make it absolutely perfect. And with the recent reviews of the new Mercedes AMG GT, that’s exactly what the company has done.

However, maintaining an elite status doesn’t mean you can’t poke a little fun at the competition, like the AMG GT’s rival, the Porsche 911.

In the GT’s latest commercial, a young boy is asleep dreaming about his most favorite car: the 911. Then all of a sudden, a yellow blaze comes out of the distance and… well, just watch the video below.


This has to be one of the best commercials since Audi messed with Porsche at last year’s Le Mans. This is just Mercedes stating in a rather blunt way, Porsche, you’ve been put on notice.

And the little scroll at the end is just perfect, because it doesn’t matter what you used to long for, since “The car you dreamed of as a child has just been overtaken.”

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