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-   -   Result of 95MPH into trees with my C32, CRAZY!!! (https://mbworld.org/forums/c32-amg-c55-amg-w203/179267-result-95mph-into-trees-my-c32-crazy.html)

slk55lvr 01-27-2007 10:28 PM

Without a doubt the most stunning accident pictures i've ever seen where the occupant lived. Good luck in your recovery, and I hope you make this a reason to do something positive with your life.
As for yelling at the kid because of his tires, no tire on earth is going to help you make a turn at 95 in icy conditions. If anything the winter tires might have contributed to the accident, they aren't designed for high speed manuvering.

fm.watch 01-30-2007 11:08 PM

Wow, Mercedes may be a great car, but at those speeds there is definitely an element of luck or divine intervention. Hopefully, if your actions caused that accident you've learned a lesson. No matter what though, it's good you made it. You can always replace the car.

Slater126 02-01-2007 12:59 AM

Originally Posted by rlee02135 (Post 1963141)
glad youre okay...now get a c63 :v:

Yup, that's exactly what the doctor and society ordered -- a even more powerful car for him :rolleyes: How about a 1988 Hyundai Excel for awhile?

RI55 02-01-2007 12:01 PM

Holy ****!

Speedy recovery, dude!

BTW, very curious to know which road, was it in RI?

SilverMPower 02-01-2007 01:12 PM

That's insane! Glad to know you're alive.

ctC230K 02-01-2007 10:31 PM

Wow, to walk away from that crash was nothing short of a miracle!

BenzoBoi 02-01-2007 10:48 PM

Wow...glad to hear yer alright...

rpayer 02-01-2007 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by emax (Post 1967357)
Heh, I noticed the RPM's as well, I think they are accurate. Also, I was almost on E which the cluster still shows.

I noticed that too... You must have been on it man! Your lucky to be alive. I wish you a smooth recovery.

emax 02-03-2007 09:16 AM

Thanks again everyone for the kind words. My surgery got pushed back until this Tuesday. Hopefully I get the brace off at that time as it is very, very painfull. The doc says it is a better then 50% I get it off at that time.

I have been looking a bit for a new car, becasue of the leg and my lack of desire to drive fast in the future I am probabaly going to get a 2003ish LS430.

My rolex should be getting covered for $2500, but we will see.

Stiggs 02-03-2007 11:25 AM

Glad to see you will be fine.
Like Pete said....where is the car now? I wouldn't mind taking a drive into RI and looking at it.

emax 02-03-2007 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Stiggs (Post 1985499)
Glad to see you will be fine.
Like Pete said....where is the car now? I wouldn't mind taking a drive into RI and looking at it.

Insurance got a hold of the car so I beleive that the car can not be viewed.

CLKonDUBS 02-04-2007 06:13 AM

All I can say is wow......:eek:

slobote 02-04-2007 09:13 AM

Hey bud, Just lucky you were ejected, or they would have had to cut your dead body out of the wreckage. I learned the the easy way to not drive over my head. On the 75 freeway in Florida I was racing a guy in a new 745 beamer at about 120 MPH and I had a slow car in front of me right after I passed him and I had to make the choice to hit the binders or change lanes in front of him before I rear ended the slow car. I went for it, and could feel the automatic correction take place that saved my butt from losing control. At the next off ramp I got off and sat there for twenty minutes to calm down before I could drive. This was the event that made me not let my adrenalin control me while in racing competition. I am 72 YO and will NEVER do such a crazy thing again.


Stiggs 02-04-2007 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by slobote (Post 1988690)
Hey bud, Just lucky you were ejected, or they would have had to cut your dead body out of the wreckage. I learned the the easy way to not drive over my head. On the 75 freeway in Florida I was racing a guy in a new 745 beamer at about 120 MPH and I had a slow car in front of me right after I passed him and I had to make the choice to hit the binders or change lanes in front of him before I rear ended the slow car. I went for it, and could feel the automatic correction take place that saved my butt from losing control. At the next off ramp I got off and sat there for twenty minutes to calm down before I could drive. This was the event that made me not let my adrenalin control me while in racing competition. I am 72 YO and will NEVER do such a crazy thing again.


Dude...you're 72y/o and racing on the highway in a C32?:eek:
Can I be your grandson?:bow:

Jrocket 02-04-2007 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by emax (Post 1964116)

On a side note I had a $4K Rolex on which some how vanished... :(

Ahhh the perks of driving an ambulance! lol

Its amazing you dont have more injuries or even made it out alive.You definately used 8 outta 9 of yours cat lives right there.

emax 02-09-2007 11:22 PM

I'm back from my 4th surgery, I had a rod put into my leg, I am slated for yet another surgery for a bone graph. (with in 2 weeks). It has not been much fun I must admit, I recommend everyone drives with a little more caution then I did. I got the external brace taken off fortunatly, now I just have big cast on my leg. I ma suppose to be able to walk again in 2 - 4 months. So far I am shocked the doctors with my ability to heal so I am hopeing it will only be another 2 months.

Bif powell 02-09-2007 11:32 PM

Can I have your exhaust?...

j/k - glad you're going to recover. A lesson to everyone.

C230 Sport Coup 02-09-2007 11:34 PM

Nice metal sculpture.
Where's the car?

Originally Posted by emax (Post 1962941)
What's up guys, I just got back from the hospital, I have been their since the 5th. I did some bone head driving and ending up with my car going air born into a forest at about 95 - 100 MPH. Below is the result of what my car looks like now. I had a seat belt on, but thank god it snapped at just the right time. I ended up ejected from the car, passed out for 20 minutes. I shattered my left leg bone right above the ankle, collapsed a lung, broke my sternum and got bruised and cut all over. My face only has a little scratch left on it. Right now I have a external metal brace drilled into my leg and I have a 4th leg surgery this Thursday. Other then that I am pretty much fully healed up minus some aches and pains... Anyways, I just wanted to share what happened since I still can't believe I am alive, let alone with pretty much only busted leg. I did not believe in God before, but now I do. This is not a joke, for any one thinking I found these pics or something.... People at the hospital call me the miracle child, the junk yard put a pic of this on the wall because it's the worst accident they have ever seen. BTW, the car lit on fire shortly after rescue got me out... Life goes on God bless!

N.M.M. 02-11-2007 09:37 AM

I am seriously in shock after viewing the photos. I have done a lot of extremely stupid stuff in my time, and there have been many occasions where people have told me that I should not have survived on multiple occasions. I would just brush it off and give no more thought to it. I will admit it, only recently have I tried to look past my stupid false ego and actually listen to what people have told and are still telling me. I am so happy that you survived this insane crash. In the last month I have had 4 very dear people to me, pass away. I cannot explain how seriously I really needed to see those photos. I wish you all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Tump43 02-11-2007 04:03 PM

Very glad you made it and have the opportunity to learn that the laws of physics are not subject to interpretation. Also, 27 is about when most of us realize that we are mortal. Very scary. I learned this stuff the same way you did. Cracked up on my motorcycle, 3 days coma, 3 months in the hospital and the same external fixation on my right leg to reset my ankle. What pain!! Welcome back and enjoy what's left.

c32used 02-13-2007 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by N.M.M. (Post 2006982)
I am seriously in shock after viewing the photos. I have done a lot of extremely stupid stuff in my time, and there have been many occasions where people have told me that I should not have survived on multiple occasions. I would just brush it off and give no more thought to it. I will admit it, only recently have I tried to look past my stupid false ego and actually listen to what people have told and are still telling me. I am so happy that you survived this insane crash. In the last month I have had 4 very dear people to me, pass away. I cannot explain how seriously I really needed to see those photos. I wish you all the best and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Sorry about your loss at the end guys we are mortal and the things around us are there for us not the other way around.............delt with cancer, amputation, a stroke and currently a divorce all I have to say is we live to live not to die............remember God loves you all.

OJwerks 02-14-2007 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by the101dragons (Post 1964333)
I don't think it matters what tires you had on, you will slide off the road doing 95 in any set of tires regardless of winter or summer tires.

side note, wearing 4k Rolex, most of these people I know drive the higher end cars. Sclass SLclass. You pull up in your C32 and most people would not even notice it or your watch.

how is your rolex comment relevant ..... i have not one 4K rolex... but several other high value watches and i drive an SLK :smash:

iridium130 02-14-2007 04:23 AM

mein gott...that's absolutely amazing you survived.

this'll slow me down for a while...

emax 02-16-2007 11:38 PM

I picked up a 2003 Lexus LS430 yesterday. I feel numb when I drive the car compared the exciting ride I got from the C32. It's real quite and smooth, it alos has pretty good power, more then enough power to do regular driving. My watch and my other belongings should be covered under my home owner insurance.

I received $29,560 for my C32, that is $1700 more then I paid for it, so am pretty happy about that. The car was loaded and had 32K miles on it.

I am due one more surgery next Thursday, I will be having a bone graft done at that time. Doc say's I only need to stay in the hospital for 1 day. Then it is time to start healing and getting better.

Mares 02-18-2007 01:38 PM

whooaaa....when i saw these pictures i cant beleive that someone can survive something like this, even cant imagine the moment when this happened!...its good you are still alive...
you changed the postion of the rear and front parts of car,lol

see that you had a high rpm with your last drive with taht car,what gear was it?hehe (little kidding')


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