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amgone63 03-22-2017 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
My statement was meant to be taken in the context of your overall illustrious posting history (see Picture Thread), not just what's here. But fair enough, my bad. Whatever. Some guys on the internets was mean to you, get over it.

And I don't see anything wrong with that either just you people that can't follow simple instructions lmao and get mad because I simply reply back? Lol after all like YOU guy said it's internet right we can say all we want, but when it comes to me replying to you guys, I'm stupid? Lol you'll never win in the internet lol I got over it awhile ago but people like you keep bringing it up?

nobbyv 03-22-2017 01:09 PM

Stop posting. You are not helping yourself.

tpliquid 03-22-2017 01:17 PM

29 posts.. and aug 2016 sign up date LOL NOOB

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
This is still a great place with good people. There has just been an influx of a type who will certainly derail that. As long as a few of us stay on top of it things like this will hopefully remain limited to just a handful of threads. If we just let everything and anything go then the majority of threads here will become like this, everything will go downhill, and the community will dissipate. Especially with the lowering price point of the c63 and the type of crowd who can now afford a car like this.

The bottom line is people like this guy just do not belong here. They are toxic to the environment we operate in. You just can't involve every last person in every last thing (see: life) without there being an eventual crisis.

So here we are. Some will see my approach to him as inappropriate and so be it. I was reasonable and got back an unnecessary and unprovoked response after I had gone out of my way to do a simple google search and figure out his question. Furthermore, I did not hound him to go search himself and I also reduced redundancies.

People can disagree with me as much as they'd like. But I genuinely feel that some people just need to get this kind of response and while I prefer and enjoy being the good guy, and helpful, I also don't mind being the bad guy to shoe away the bad apples.

I care about this place, as ridiculous as that sounds. I've spent years on this forum, helped developed not only my cars but others as well and saved people a ton of money and headaches in the process. And I hope to continue to do so, just without people who's finger is constantly pressed on the trigger and ego is as fragile as a faberge egg.

Omg, lol sorry I just need to reply back..
dude all you said was...
"Edit: right after someone's response.."
that's all you said.. and then you edited and changed your post to not worth it??
Ok I'm sorry but when I'm working on the car and I have it on the lift and **** I'm not gonna be standing starring at the phone to see if some one WILL even answer? Right? You keep doing your thing , trying to solve the problem. Once I found it which was 8-12 minutes after I posted I came back to say thanks for the help!?!? THATS ALL I DID WHATS WRONG WITH THAT? Why is everyone a douche? Maybe they should put a delete or cancel thread tab to delete things when not needed anymore sorry didn't mean to do that I say I'm new because I haven't use this in a long time! This is my first time with Mercedes. I used to have Other cars..
I searched in google and I didn't know what I'm looking for? I'm just typing in the black cap with the dip stick on it and nothing would come I never knew it was the reservoir! Never, do you know where I'm coming from now? Just wanna set it straight that's why I keep replying not to be a troll!

CarHopper 03-22-2017 01:38 PM

^First of all, and ONCE AGAIN, before I edited my first post I answered your questions WITHOUT KNOWING IT HAD ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED. Because this community is so great, people sometimes answer things quickly.

Listen, you can sit there and play the victim card and nice guy all you want. The FACT of the matter is you were the FIRST to go after someone at call them a douche. Then, when you get called on it, you crawl into this stance as though you are the victim.

All I did was answer your question and then you called me a douche in return. See below:

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091374)
Nope, found it at 6:39pm and in the time that I put the engine cover on and the hood down and the jack from under the car I picked up my phone to reply and he already posted.. and what was your point to that post dude? Why is everyone here a douche lmao

But thanks for that lol

At that point in time it was clear that you directed it towards me because I had made a post with your answer and then edited it so there weren't redundancies.

Now to your first post:

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091356)
Been searching everywhere and I can't find what this is?? I don't even know how to really search it up because I don't know what I'm looking for .. help please?

Searched everywhere? Really? All I did was plug the characters on the cap into google and boom. Answer. You didn't search everywhere. In fact, you were impatient and search nowhere which is clear as day. Which is interesting, because post #3 claims you found it... on your own? So you didn't search everywhere... or did you...

Post #3 for ref:

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091366)
SORRY FOUND IT THANKS!! Had too many beers it was a stupid question lmao

Too many beers you say? Nope. See, that statement is so simple but it shines a spotlight on a quality you possess... Not a good one. You are without a shadow of doubt unable to take responsibility for your actions. Here, you blame the beer. So did the guy who was in court this morning for beating the absolute chit out of his wife last night. You're no different than him at your core.

See, typically people have two version of themselves. Their projected self, and their true self. Now, for most normal human beings, those two individuals within overlap in 99% of things that have meaning (traits, values, characteristics, etc.) You, on the other hand, have a gap. In this sense, I feel for you. You're a victim of your own mind and damn it must be hard laying down at night and falling asleep. However, if sleep comes easily to you, then you have crossed from denial into true self deception which is unfortunate.

Now, onto the picture thread so everyone is trackin' and not just off of this thread alone. The first potentially negative feedback you got was this:

Originally Posted by marcadelic (Post 7078758)
FL tails and a drop would make it look 10x's cleaner

IMO the tinted tails and wrap don't look good together

There is NOTHING wrong with that post. Not a single thing. And individual simply commented that IN THEIR OPINION the tails and wrap don't look good together after you asked "What you think?"

To which you reply (Yes, partially taken out of context):

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7078788)
I think you just hated me so bad just Becouse I mentioned that I wrapped my own car and u just had to say something negative huh lmao

Hated you so bad? Where was the hate towards you in their post? How was anything they said directed AT you? Because in every single exchange YOU are in fact the one initiating the attack, or as you would say, being a douche.

Onto your actual first post (minus this image of a c63 I feel bad for):

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7078223)
First time wrapping a car.. didn't know it would be this hard and I found out I choose one of the hardest materials to work with lmao.. but what you think??

"But what you think??"

You asked people what they thought about your car right there. You didn't say "What do you think about the wrap? And only the wrap because I would rather not have any input on other aspects of the car, Thank you"

So, when you were met with criticism you went after everyone while once again positioning yourself as the victim as though everyone was hating you. Nobody said a damn thing against you, demand anything, or name call / take jabs until you fired it all up.

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7080644)
So many trolls in this thing that you can't even ask a simple honest question with out getting "hater" comments.. this suppose to be a community of car enthusiasts?? That's why I said suppose lol

Nobody trolled you. You trolled yourself. See below:

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7090817)
sorry, just have a thing for haters but thanks

A thing for haters? Everything you brought upon yourself was self inflicted. It's almost like you want "hate" thrown your way just so you and your spine made of glass can go cower in the corner and look like the "right" or "correct" person in an argument.

You're basically the guy in a bar who will start chit, get swung on, run away, and then come in at the very end and kick the dude in the nuts after bouncers have him on the ground.

So, with no respect whatsoever, go **** yourself.

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7078788)

But again, freedom of speech.. lol


You want your hate? You got it.

By the way, your car can actually look good especially to the crowd who likes matte finishes on cars. Albeit "matte" really is a dying breed which you'd surely understand as an enthusiast. Furthermore, it would look better if you took some of the suggestions members made instead of take what they said like you just got violated.

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 01:46 PM

But but but he had his car on a LIFT. Did you miss that? He MUST know what he's doing if he has a LIFT!

Next post.... "Ma Dum Car Fell Off The Lift What Do You Think?"

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
Listen, you can sit there and play the victim card and nice guy all you want. The FACT of the matter is you were the FIRST to go after someone at call them a douche. Then, when you get called on it, you crawl into this stance as though you are the victim.

All I did was answer your question and then you called me a douche in return. See below:At that point in time it was clear that you directed it towards me because I had made a post with your answer and then edited it so there weren't redundancies.

Now to your first post:Searched everywhere? Really? All I did was plug the characters on the cap into google and boom. Answer. You didn't search everywhere. In fact, you were impatient and search nowhere which is clear as day. Which is interesting, because post #3 claims you found it... on your own? So you didn't search everywhere... or did you...

Post #3 for ref:Too many beers you say? Nope. See, that statement is so simple but it shines a spotlight on a quality you possess... Not a good one. You are without a shadow of doubt unable to take responsibility for your actions. Here, you blame the beer. So did the guy who was in court this morning for beating the absolute chit out of his wife last night. You're no different than him at your core.

See, typically people have two version of themselves. Their projected self, and their true self. Now, for most normal human beings, those two individuals within overlap in 99% of things that have meaning (traits, values, characteristics, etc.) You, on the other hand, have a gap. In this sense, I feel for you. You're a victim of your own mind and damn it must be hard laying down at night and falling asleep. However, if sleep comes easily to you, then you have crossed from denial into true self deception which is unfortunate.

Now, onto the picture thread so everyone is trackin' and not just off of this thread alone. The first potentially negative feedback you got was this:There is NOTHING wrong with that post. Not a single thing. And individual simply commented that IN THEIR OPINION the tails and wrap don't look good together after you asked "What you think?"

To which you reply (Yes, partially taken out of context):Hated you so bad? Where was the hate towards you in their post? How was anything they said directed AT you? Because in every single exchange YOU are in fact the one initiating the attack, or as you would say, being a douche.

Onto your actual first post (minus this image of a c63 I feel bad for):"But what you think??"

You asked people what they thought about your car right there. You didn't say "What do you think about the wrap? And only the wrap because I would rather not have any input on other aspects of the car, Thank you"

So, when you were met with criticism you went after everyone while once again positioning yourself as the victim as though everyone was hating you. Nobody said a damn thing against you, demand anything, or name call / take jabs until you fired it all up.Nobody trolled you. You trolled yourself. See below:A thing for haters? Everything you brought upon yourself was self inflicted. It's almost like you want "hate" thrown your way just so you and your spine made of glass can go cower in the corner and look like the "right" or "correct" person in an argument.

You're basically the guy in a bar who will start chit, get swung on, run away, and then come in at the very end and kick the dude in the nuts after bouncers have him on the ground.

So, with no respect whatsoever, go **** yourself.:rolleyes:

You want your hate? You got it.

By the way, your car can actually look good especially to the crowd who likes matte finishes on cars. Albeit "matte" really is a dying breed which you'd surely understand as an enthusiast. Furthermore, it would look better if you took some of the suggestions members made instead of take what they said like you just got violated.

I NEVER SAW YOUR POST WITH THE ANSWER YOU CANT MAYBE THINK ABOUT THAT?!? All I saw coming from you was Edit: right after the answer is posted or something like.. that's all I saw sorry can't be responsible for what I didn't see dude. Okay there is no innocent card anywhere I'm just telling you what happened and how it happened u just don't like what you hear and you just wanna make me look bad that's all you trying to do now dude..

And again.. you bring up old posts... that was a simple question " what you think about my work on the wrap" that simple... yes if I would of put " just what you think" in general yea sure you can tel me u hate the car! The fact that a kid just came and told me it was **** when I didn't even ask about the general car makes me think wrong.. just say u don't like it and that's fine! And I only responded to THAT DUDE because in my eyes HE was the only one not licking that I wrapped my car because some guy said something nice and HE just had to go and say something negative BECAUSE THATS JUST HIM... I'm not an ******* dude I just confront people and they get butt hurt cuz they don't like that ...

PeterUbers 03-22-2017 01:48 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091962)
Omg, lol sorry I just need to reply back..
dude all you said was...
"Edit: right after someone's response.."
that's all you said.. and then you edited and changed your post to not worth it??
Ok I'm sorry but when I'm working on the car and I have it on the lift and **** I'm not gonna be standing starring at the phone to see if some one WILL even answer? Right? You keep doing your thing , trying to solve the problem. Once I found it which was 8-12 minutes after I posted I came back to say thanks for the help!?!? THATS ALL I DID WHATS WRONG WITH THAT? Why is everyone a douche? Maybe they should put a delete or cancel thread tab to delete things when not needed anymore sorry didn't mean to do that I say I'm new because I haven't use this in a long time! This is my first time with Mercedes. I used to have Other cars..
I searched in google and I didn't know what I'm looking for? I'm just typing in the black cap with the dip stick on it and nothing would come I never knew it was the reservoir! Never, do you know where I'm coming from now? Just wanna set it straight that's why I keep replying not to be a troll!

feel better?

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63
I NEVER SAW YOUR POST WITH THE ANSWER YOU CANT MAYBE THINK ABOUT THAT?!? All I saw coming from you was Edit: right after the answer is posted or something like.. that's all I saw sorry can't be responsible for what I didn't see dude. Okay there is no innocent card anywhere I'm just telling you what happened and how it happened u just don't like what you hear and you just wanna make me look bad that's all you trying to do now dude..

And again.. you bring up old posts... that was a simple question " what you think about my work on the wrap" that simple... yes if I would of put " just what you think" in general yea sure you can tel me u hate the car! The fact that a kid just came and told me it was **** when I didn't even ask about the general car makes me think wrong.. just say u don't like it and that's fine! And I only responded to THAT DUDE because in my eyes HE was the only one not licking that I wrapped my car because some guy said something nice and HE just had to go and say something negative BECAUSE THATS JUST HIM... I'm not an ******* dude I just confront people and they get butt hurt cuz they don't like that ...

Wooooooooww and your msg was too long! So now you going into details!? Just cuz I said I had too many beers and I made a stupid post in MB forums you compare that with beating up my wife !?!? DUDE YOU NEED TO CHILL ITS JUST FORUMS GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR ASS AND LIVE LIFE! Holy crap! Seriously you on your period dude!?

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
But but but he had his car on a LIFT. Did you miss that? He MUST know what he's doing if he has a LIFT!

Next post.... "Ma Dum Car Fell Off The Lift What Do You Think?"

Haha you just trolling cuz you know I'll reply lmao and yea why can't I have it on a lift? What's wrong with that?? What's going on? Lol

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091989)
I NEVER SAW YOUR POST WITH THE ANSWER YOU CANT MAYBE THINK ABOUT THAT?!? All I saw coming from you was Edit: right after the answer is posted or something like.. that's all I saw sorry can't be responsible for what I didn't see dude. Okay there is no innocent card anywhere I'm just telling you what happened and how it happened u just don't like what you hear and you just wanna make me look bad that's all you trying to do now dude..

And again.. you bring up old posts... that was a simple question " what you think about my work on the wrap" that simple... yes if I would of put " just what you think" in general yea sure you can tel me u hate the car! The fact that a kid just came and told me it was **** when I didn't even ask about the general car makes me think wrong.. just say u don't like it and that's fine! And I only responded to THAT DUDE because in my eyes HE was the only one not licking that I wrapped my car because some guy said something nice and HE just had to go and say something negative BECAUSE THATS JUST HIM... I'm not an ******* dude I just confront people and they get butt hurt cuz they don't like that ...

Uhhhh..... I don't think HE'S the one "butt hurt" here, dude.

[Translation: dude, just cuz you haz a nice car dozen't mean u hav to hat on everyone u just jealos cuz ma car is so phat and its a gride thatz what all tha chicks say and one time I made it sound real loudz an everyone was like oh wow thatz a cool car and stuff]

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091996)
Haha you just trolling cuz you know I'll reply lmao and yea why can't I have it on a lift? What's wrong with that?? What's going on? Lol

I hope you get crushed by your car. That would be LOLZ.

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
I hope you get crushed by your car. That would be LOLZ.

Okay? I didn't know lifts where so funny, what did I do to you?

amgone63 03-22-2017 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
Uhhhh..... I don't think HE'S the one "butt hurt" here, dude.

[Translation: dude, just cuz you haz a nice car dozen't mean u hav to hat on everyone u just jealos cuz ma car is so phat and its a gride thatz what all tha chicks say and one time I made it sound real loudz an everyone was like oh wow thatz a cool car and stuff]

I'm sorry if your Implying that's me .. i just asked about my wrap job.. u know wrinkles, bubbles, maybe color too? Nope none of that was answered lol everyone went blind on my question and just said **** your car! Lol yes I'm okay with that but that's not what I asked I asked how's the wrap looking .. I don't even know why I explain myself you guys are just ****ing with me now I know..

CarHopper 03-22-2017 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091989)
I'm not an ******* dude I just confront people and they get butt hurt cuz they don't like that ...


Also -- That whole projected self and true self thing.. Yeah, well, your colors are showing. It's too easy, and so obvious, because when the type I outlined, aka you, gets backed into the corner they just start screaming and whaling...

Take your own advice:

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091992)

You still are missing an important message. I've been here a while, I take pride in this place, and a lot of my time and effort over the years went here. I am an enthusiast, a real one, that can actually really help you if you have problems. I don't even have a c63 anymore but still come here to point people in the right direction. So when clown shoes like you come along and jeopardize what we (as in a fair amount of people who have been here for years and years devoting their time to this place) have built here we speak up.

You said it yourself, you find your voice when it comes to haters. Cool. I find mine when it comes to idiots that threaten things I actually care for.

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 01:58 PM

Wow, what a spaz. :crazy:

CarHopper 03-22-2017 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT (Post 7091984)
Next post.... "Ma Dum Car Fell Off The Lift What Do You Think?"

Looks slammed :rolf:

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG

Also -- That whole projected self and true self thing.. Yeah, well, your colors are showing. It's too easy, and so obvious, because when the type I outlined you to be gets back into the corner they just start screaming and whaling...

Take your own advice:You still are missing an important message. I've been here a while, I take pride in this place, and a lot of my time and effort over the years went here. I am an enthusiast, a real one, that can actually really help you if you have problems. I don't even have a c63 anymore but still come here to point people in the right direction. So when clown shoes like you come along and jeopardize what we (as in a fair amount of people who have been here for years and years devoting their time to this place) have built here we speak up.

You said it yourself, you find your voice when it comes to haters. Cool. I find mine when it comes to idiots that threaten things I actually care for.

Just one dude.. one post gots u all butt hurt ONE.. okay careful don't kill your self now.. maybe you should tell them to put you on salary cuz your better than a counselor! U don't read anything I say huh I'm labeled as an idiot and that's never gonna change right?

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
Wow, what a spaz. :crazy:

Just like yourself

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
Looks slammed :rolf:

Wait I though you put the example of the great community you have and created yourself with so many years of work!? And you throwing it away by teaming up with another dude like me!?! Lmao

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092007)
I'm sorry if your Implying that's me .. i just asked about my wrap job.. u know wrinkles, bubbles, maybe color too? Nope none of that was answered lol everyone went blind on my question and just said **** your car! Lol yes I'm okay with that but that's not what I asked I asked how's the wrap looking .. I don't even know why I explain myself you guys are just ****ing with me now I know..

As for the color, if I were you I would change it. Matte only looks good from certain, very specific, angles. Furthermore, it has to be done 100% correctly. Here are a few clips on how to properly wrap a car should you decide you want to change it up:

You can start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAP4suQ6qu4...(I added the "..." so you can copy and paste the link and then follow along as there are a series of videos. Be sure to delete the "...")

Or, you can go to YouTube yourself and watch clips. Don't watch just one. Watch many. See what everyone does and kind of mesh what works well and pay attention to what doesn't.

As for color.... Get a little nutty and pick something that will pop but has a gloss finish. I think you'll attract far better attention with that than with a matte wrap. Also, think about what add ons you may have (carbon fiber?) and play with colors that way.

Example, CF can get lost on a black car. But it really can pop on your reds or yellows or blues.

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:07 PM

[quote=PeterUbers]feel better?[/
Mmm yes

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092022)
Wait I though you put the example of the great community you have and created yourself with so many years of work!? And you throwing it away by teaming up with another dude like me!?! Lmao

That was actually funny though if you think about it.

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092018)
Just one dude.. one post gots u all butt hurt ONE.. okay careful don't kill your self now.. maybe you should tell them to put you on salary cuz your better than a counselor! U don't read anything I say huh I'm labeled as an idiot and that's never gonna change right?

All I did was post once and you called me a douche...

Also -- please review forum policy. Suicide isn't something to joke about.

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
As for the color, if I were you I would change it. Matte only looks good from certain, very specific, angles. Furthermore, it has to be done 100% correctly. Here are a few clips on how to properly wrap a car should you decide you want to change it up:

You can start here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAP4suQ6qu4...(I added the "..." so you can copy and paste the link and then follow along as there are a series of videos. Be sure to delete the "...")

Or, you can go to YouTube yourself and watch clips. Don't watch just one. Watch many. See what everyone does and kind of mesh what works well and pay attention to what doesn't.

As for color.... Get a little nutty and pick something that will pop but has a gloss finish. I think you'll attract far better attention with that than with a matte wrap. Also, think about what add ons you may have (carbon fiber?) and play with colors that way.

Example, CF can get lost on a black car. But it really can pop on your reds or yellows or blues.

Wow !! Bam! Wow that's a completely different purple heart! Thank you! Yes yes I can consider changing it maybe a year or less just so I won't throw my money away and I'll make sure to take more of my time on it than last time since gloss is way easier to work with than matte thanks purple .. now that's a professional response to " how does my work on the wrap looks like "
That's all I wanted and it took 40 post for some one to come through and say what any car enthusiast would say thank you.!

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