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amgone63 03-22-2017 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
All I did was post once and you called me a douche...

Also -- please review forum policy. Suicide isn't something to joke about.

I'll take that back my bad the suicide part

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092036)
Wow !! Bam! Wow that's a completely different purple heart! Thank you! Yes yes I can consider changing it maybe a year or less just so I won't throw my money away and I'll make sure to take more of my time on it than last time since gloss is way easier to work with than matte thanks purple .. now that's a professional response to " how does my work on the wrap looks like "
That's all I wanted and it took 40 post for some one to come through and say what any car enthusiast would say thank you.!

This is what I'm telling you. I am, and can be, a very nice and reasonable person. I voiced myself because you weren't carrying yourself in a manner that you should around here. And it snowballed from there.

On the other hand, I really can become a pain in the ass which you also see.

All I'm asking is you conform a little and ditch the whole "hater" thing like everyone is coming after you. Believe me, if we come at you you'll get it. Like in this thread, I came at you and made it obvious as to what "hate" really does look like.

Just chill out for 5 seconds when you read peoples criticisms next time before going on tirades telling people the advice you asked for sucked.

We will not hate on you here for no reason. And if someone does I'll give them the same treatment as I did here. Trust me, I will. So please, stop worrying like everyone here is out to get you. We really aren't.

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
All I did was post once and you called me a douche...

Also -- please review forum policy. Suicide isn't something to joke about.

N again I'm sorry only saw your post where you said edit I'm sorry this is coming from enthusiasts heart! And believe me I am one this **** just got out of hand I'm new this 40 post are from right now I made this account in 2016 and barely got into it now becouse of that and I started in a bad side sorry I'm asking everyone to forgive a newbe Mercedes owner and car enthusiasts

PeterUbers 03-22-2017 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by PeterUbers
feel better?[/
Mmm yes

your pre edited post:

Your first sling at everyone calling everyone a douche:

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092043)
N again I'm sorry only saw your post where you said edit I'm sorry this is coming from enthusiasts heart! And believe me I am one this **** just got out of hand I'm new this 40 post are from right now I made this account in 2016 and barely got into it now becouse of that and I started in a bad side sorry I'm asking everyone to forgive a newbe Mercedes owner and car enthusiasts

You're good dude. Again, just chill out and things will be kosher.

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by PeterUbers
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.mbw...0afe356f97.pngyour pre edited post:

Your first sling at everyone calling everyone a douche:

I didn't call everyone a douche just the people being one to me... even purple admitted he could be A PITA so it wasn't just me u guys where just on defense too all the time! All I'm doing is explaining why I did what I did and it seemed like you guys didn't care and just didn't like me becouse of a post i made? That I didn't know I couldn't make? If someone like Purple Heart would say hey don't do that okay instead of trolling me . I wouldn't have you guys against me like that.. Again not making enemies u guys just hate me for some reason

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
This is what I'm telling you. I am, and can be, a very nice and reasonable person. I voiced myself because you weren't carrying yourself in a manner that you should around here. And it snowballed from there.

On the other hand, I really can become a pain in the ass which you also see.

All I'm asking is you conform a little and ditch the whole "hater" thing like everyone is coming after you. Believe me, if we come at you you'll get it. Like in this thread, I came at you and made it obvious as to what "hate" really does look like.

Just chill out for 5 seconds when you read peoples criticisms next time before going on tirades telling people the advice you asked for sucked.

We will not hate on you here for no reason. And if someone does I'll give them the same treatment as I did here. Trust me, I will. So please, stop worrying like everyone here is out to get you. We really aren't.

And I will chill and sorry again..
I mean if the dude would of responded with the same response you gave me or similar none of that would of happened.. common u get what I mean right?
Like when you show me some wheels I don't ask what cars they going on I just say they nice .. or ugly! Either way I judge what the person asked me to judge .. wish I could avoided it but it was too late even saying sorry wouldn't make you guys stop..

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092056)
Again no making enemies u guys just hate me for some reason

Stop, you're doing fine... We don't hate you for no reason. Period. But if you keep playing this card that every criticism that is said in your direction is someone hating you, then eventually people will hate you. Believe me, you haven't been hated on here and you definitely don't want that. Sure, there have been a handful of posts aimed at you to upset you but they are all in response to something rather than the initiating "something." If you can't see that, or eventually understand it, then I won't be able to help you.

When people are abrasive there is usually a reason behind it. When a handful of people are abrasive there is definitely a reason behind it. Many people got behind the fact that you were the one getting upset in various exchanges while at the time saying you were chill and it was everyone else that was upset.

I'm making an effort here to straighten things out and get the ball rolling in the right direction. Please make an effort to do the same.

CarHopper 03-22-2017 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092064)
And I will chill and sorry again..
I mean if the dude would of responded with the same response you gave me or similar none of that would of happened.. common u get what I mean right?
Like when you show me some wheels I don't ask what cars they going on I just say they nice .. or ugly! Either way I judge what the person asked me to judge .. wish I could avoided it but it was too late even saying sorry wouldn't make you guys stop..

I do get it. But you have to give time for pages to load etc. If you're making a long post, when you get to the end of it do this... Copy your post (so you don't lose it) and then refresh the page. See if there have been any other inputs and if so adjust accordingly. If not, paste and post away. I usually do this, and if a post slips in I'll edit mine. I edit them fast enough so that the forum usually doesn't say whether or not they have even been edited.

amgone63 03-22-2017 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by PurpleHeartAMG
I do get it. But you have to give time for pages to load etc. If you're making a long post, when you get to the end of it do this... Copy your post (so you don't lose it) and then refresh the page. See if there have been any other inputs and if so adjust accordingly. If not, paste and post away. I usually do this, and if a post slips in I'll edit mine. I edit them fast enough so that the forum usually doesn't say whether or not they have even been edited.

I'll make an effort as well and I do recognize everything thanks for being human dude ! Thanks

nobbyv 03-22-2017 02:58 PM

PurpleHeart, you a much better man than I to take the time to try to explain anything to him. Even after you took the time to point out exactly how things transpired, he clearly still has NO idea he's done anything wrong, and has everything chalked up to "haterz".

tpliquid 03-22-2017 03:01 PM

This is amgone63

the crazy cat lady

nobbyv 03-22-2017 03:14 PM

Are amgone63 and jordanaf the same person?


amgone63 03-22-2017 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by nobbyv
PurpleHeart, you a much better man than I to take the time to try to explain anything to him. Even after you took the time to point out exactly how things transpired, he clearly still has NO idea he's done anything wrong, and has everything chalked up to "haterz".

What are you talking about sir .. your wayyyy out of the story now.. I already said sorry I don't know what you want from me lol a simple post made you really mad .. forget the hating part no one cares about that I don't even know what you talking about that msg wasn't even for you guy .. just the guy I quoted it in.. but I need to take purples advice and just stop replying to dumb comments..

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by nobbyv (Post 7092126)
Are amgone63 and jordanaf the same person?


Can't be. This guy is trying to fix a car, not crash it head first into the nearest immovable object.

amgone63 03-22-2017 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
Can't be. This guy is trying to fix a car, not crash it head first into the nearest immovable object.

Wow well there is some one worse than me.. my only problem is a say sorry too much now.. this is hard man. Hahaha all I know I'm not doing this again hahaha simple mistakes can end you here man. Lol

nobbyv 03-22-2017 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092145)
What are you talking about sir .. your wayyyy out of the story now.. I already said sorry I don't know what you want from me lol a simple post made you really mad .. forget the hating part no one cares about that I don't even know what you talking about that msg wasn't even for you guy .. just the guy I quoted it in.. but I need to take purples advice and just stop replying to dumb comments..

You're right...that one wasn't for me. The one for me was when you called me a douche bag because I suggested that if you couldn't understand why you might need to repeat a service done at 40k another 50k later, you might be best leaving the care of your car in the hands of a MB Service Adviser.

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7091938)
I did... so people are just keyboard warriors here huh.. Ima have this done already...just for the sake of not being able to delete the post after it being resolved sucks because you still get people like this! Thanks thanks thanks! It's almost already being done why do you still reply!! Read please read! Thank you again!! Plus o wouldn't be here if the ****ing Mercedes benz mechanic knows wtf his talking about because of them that's why I'm here!!!!! They said no more!! And I said why not!?! That's why I'm here clarify and I get douche bags like yourself..
And thanks for the facts! It probably has a tune that made it 487hp and they just stuck the 507 badge on it just for the **** of it but I just what the car supposedly said.


But I juyst be haterz yo lol.

nobbyv 03-22-2017 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by amgone63 (Post 7092194)
Wow well there is some one worse than me.. my only problem is a say sorry too much now.. this is hard man. Hahaha all I know I'm not doing this again hahaha simple mistakes can end you here man. Lol

Not really. I assume at this rate it's only a matter of time before you destroy your car. It'll take some time to get to jordanaf's level, but I have confidence you'll get there.

amgone63 03-22-2017 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by nobbyv
Not really. I assume at this rate it's only a matter of time before you destroy your car. It'll take some time to get to jordanaf's level, but I have confidence you'll get there.

Why would I destroy my car if this was never about destroying anything? I still know my way around with tools and that wasn't the problem? What are you implying now.
This is what I mean about not liking me for some reason the problem wasn't even about braking my car.Just cuz of a stupid thread I made,that was the problem .. stop attacking me dude what's your problem

Here we go again..

amgone63 03-22-2017 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by nobbyv
You're right...that one wasn't for me. The one for me was when you called me a douche bag because I suggested that if you couldn't understand why you might need to repeat a service done at 40k another 50k later, you might be best leaving the care of your car in the hands of a MB Service Adviser.https://mbworld.org/forums/c-class-w...id-change.html

But I juyst be haterz yo lol.

Why do you ignore where I said that the Mercedes benz mechanic or tech told me that!? That's the reason I'm here? Maybe the Mercedes in my town is wrong?? Do you even read what the heck I'm writing guy? And don't get mad cuz I'm telling you that cuz that's how it's been all this time I'm telling you ! I asked the tech at Mercedes he said I don't need it so who's the one that's wrong? Stop attacking dude that's all I have noticed from you I'm ku dude .. im just replying back and if it hurt you when I said everyone is a douche sorry I hurt your feelings okay stop crying!! Stop it!

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 05:11 PM

This is what happens when a paranoid delusional schizophrenic somehow acquires both a C63 and internet access.

amgone63 03-22-2017 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by BLKROKT
This is what happens when a paranoid delusional schizophrenic somehow acquires both a C63 and internet access.

Wow I reply and people get butt hurt wow lol good one I think someone else is the delusional hahahaha

Jasonoff 03-22-2017 05:48 PM

How's the wrap holding up?

amgone63 03-22-2017 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by Jasonoff
How's the wrap holding up?

The door panels and most panels are sticking great and no bubbles under direct sun but my freaking front bumpers isn't doing so good.. might have to be redone .. right this time.. I think I didn't clean the ridges really good and there are bubbles there.. sucks because that's like the face of the car and it's the most messed up part..

BLKROKT 03-22-2017 06:03 PM

I actually like the wrap

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