W211 AMG Discuss the W211 AMG's such as the E55 and the E63
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not only a POSER, but also an A-HOLE

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Old 02-28-2008, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by tommy25000
people aren't so bad in palm beach... well at least on our side of the bridge.
Ya, you got it right about what a difference a bridge can make. I have a friend who got a job as a public defender in WPB. He moved into downtown, in that new hi-rise they just built on Clematis right by the publix, because he wanted to be able to walk to work. He was there maybe a month before his girlfriend got her purse snatched by a bunch of guys right in front of the building when they were walking out the door to go get something to eat, and he got smacked in the face for trying to stop them. Another time, I was waiting in a parallel spot in front of there to pick him up and I had the top down. 3 different prostitutes came up to say hi to me in the span of 15 minutes. I guess it must be time for a diet, since apparently I look like I have to pay for it.

So WPB is a different story from PB. I do have to admit that I find it entertaining that all the streets downtown are named like bacterial S.T.D.'s I'm not kidding, pull it up on a map...Clematis, Sapadilla, Evernia, etc. etc. Maybe I'm easily amused.
Old 02-28-2008, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by CWW
I do have to admit that I find it entertaining that all the streets downtown are named like bacterial S.T.D.'s I'm not kidding, pull it up on a map...Clematis, Sapadilla, Evernia, etc. etc. Maybe I'm easily amused.

Old 02-28-2008, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by 05VENOM
Heck, who am I kiddin'....would love to live in Florida. The weather alone has got me sold.
The summers in Florida are less than fantastic and the roads are all straight. If you could fix these two things, I would live there full time!
Old 02-28-2008, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by CWW
You guys are pretty ritzy over there. Naples reminds me of boca or east delray, but on the Gulf. Nice place. I bet you are blowing the age curve though...lol...I have heard people call it "heaven's waiting room". People call Daytona the "Redneck Riviera". Lol.
"Redneck Riviera"..I like that!

And yes, Naples is the land of "blue hairs" and many homes you can't afford to even look at.
Old 02-28-2008, 02:17 PM
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Ask him where did he get the bumper conversion done! and ask him how he likes the e320 bumper conversion!
Old 02-28-2008, 02:19 PM
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Why S65 badge? go straight SLR badge. lol.

Just a side thought, maybe we are the snobs 'interpreting' their glances. I non-chalantly glare ahead and avoid contact as I pass, but I'm sure people think that I think I'm too good/better than them. I AM! jk
Old 02-28-2008, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by CWW
Come to FL. You'll change your mind pretty quick. It's a different setup down here. Most people are honestly just d*cks.
At least the weather is nice. Come to NYC and expirience the nasty cold and even nastier people. I take the subway every day and each and every time I'm disgusted by people down there, I swear they're not the same people you see above ground!
Old 02-28-2008, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by MiamiE55
Oh don't get me wrong i absolutely love it here. Beautiful weather, beautiful women, but there are a lot of a holes driving around. Miami didn't win worst drivers in the USA 3 years in a row for nothing.
I agree there are some positives to living here, mainly the weather, beaches, golf, and boating. But as soon as you get out of the retirement areas, like naples, boca, palm beach, etc., then you quickly find out that people have an attitude.

Customer service is dead and buried here. If you have a problem with anything, doesn't matter how minor it is, 9 times out of 10 the business you're dealing with will try to blame it on you instead of making it right. And the ones that don't just flat-out tell you to F* off will still make you do all their work for them to fix whatever problem you're having. Good service at a business or a restaraunt is the exception, not the norm.

The cops are d*cks and are completely out of control, regardless of which part of the state you're in. They dress up as bums or telephone repairmen so you don't spot their speed-traps, then they lie about how fast you were going to give you the maximum fine. That is, unless you're female, then they will let you off. If you go to court and they happen to show up, they will lie out their azz. There are more semi-trucks on the highways here than there are cars, and most of them are full of rocks or mulch or dirt that they don't bother securing, so that the paint on the front of your car looks like swiss cheese within 12 months of buying it. If you call them, they won't pay for it.

In the northern part of the state and the panhandle, you'll get cut off and yelled at in traffic by rednecks in trucks adorned with chrome-plated ballsacs and confederate flags, and plastered with 4-yr old "Bush/Cheney" bumperstickers and religious slogans. And no, I'm not kidding...someone actually makes a chrome-plated ballsac that hangs from truck trailer-hitches, and all the morons around here have one. About every day, there's one or two TV stories about road-rage where someone shot somebody else. That is, when the news isn't filled with stories about whatever pyramid-scheme or financial scam got exposed that day.

And while I'm on the subject, half of everything around here is a scam, because our state regulation of that stuff is nonexistent. TV channels are filled with commercials for *****-enlargement pills, magic weight-loss pills, herbal youth supplements, become a millionaire in 24 hours, etc., and on every streetcorner there are 100 yard signs advertising everything from "Credit Repair" to unlicensed home repair contractors to masters' "degrees" from non-accredited universities that nobody's ever heard of, on top of every pyramid scheme known to man.

Store clerks are downright nasty and most of them act like they're doing you a favor. They just tasered some woman in the best buy by my house, because she left and forgot her credit card and the 18yr old clerk with a 90 IQ assumed it was stolen. It wasn't. Google "Daytona BestBuy taser" if you don't believe me. And don't even get me started on Miami drivers, LOL. You can't even use turn signals down there, because they have the exact opposite effect...everybody will speed up to cut you off, so you may as well not bother giving them a heads-up.

In Jacksonville, where I go to school, I get asked for money pretty much every time I go to the grocery store or fill up with gas, and that's in what's supposed to be the "nice" neighborhood. And if you tell them no, they get all offended about it and have some snide remark waiting. At least that relieves any guilt I had about not giving them any, so I guess they're actually doing me a favor.

Our state and county legislatures are pretty much bought and paid-for by real estate developers and insurance companies, which naturally turn around and buy legislation that lets them do whatever they want to...which is normally screwing their customers. Most parking meters are only good for like 15 or 30 minutes, and there are usually more parking police around than real police.

Basically, this place has become tourist-central, and in response it seems like everything that developed has been engineered to scam people out of money. I was born here and have watched it change a LOT. It still has some nice areas, but it's heading downhill mighty quick, and lots of people are starting to move out of the populated areas like Miami and Orlando. If you guys from states where things are run pretty tightly, like MA, CA, NY, etc., came down and spent a year here you'd be amazed.
Old 02-28-2008, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by 001kz
ok, i love to read poser threads on here from time to time. its just way too much fun.

i have recently moved to a new place, and i see my neighbor who drives W211 as well. (E320 to be exact) but has some 19 or 20 inch wheels, quad exhaust (one of those ebay, really bad looking without bumper cut outs if you know what i mean) and of course he has E55 AMG badge in the back.

and thats it, bumpers and everything else is E320 stock.

i saw him before (has a strange work schedule, i dont see him too often) and was thinking: huh...another poser, oh well. never gave it too much of a thought.

well, tonight i was washing my car in the driveway with my buddy while my neighbor was pulling into his garage. my buddy was like oh, look E55. I told him to go ask him if it was AMG, just for fun. My buddy refused, and called be an ***. I felt guilty.

so i tell my neighbor hi, and ask him how is he doing, without any sarcasm what so ever.
in return i get this funny look from him, and while he glances at my just washed and waxed car tells me "So Far, So Good!" and he does it with the most snubish expression on his face (like yeah, dude keep washing your sorry *** car, while wanting my E55). as he was saying it, he closed his garage door.

i was shocked! i really dont care what kind of badges ppl put on their car, but this guy turned out to be a total looser.

My buddy who was washing his 6er Bimmer with me, was like dam dude!

i am sad now... it sucks to have this kind of neighbors.

Old 02-28-2008, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Jakpro1
Time to slip a college girl 50$ and have her call his wife claiming,

"I just can't take it anymore, I love him and I want to be with him all the time. I'M CARRYING HIS CHILD!"

Should see the moving van arriving within a week or so.
Its not that serious...
Old 02-28-2008, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by BMWEATR
Well it sounds like he was basically in a nice way trying to give you the impression he has enough friends and leave him the *** alone. If he wanted to go wash cars w/ you and you "buddy" i'm sure he would of been a lot nicer.
people need to learn to mind there own business. that means even if your nieghbors, you should of expected a response like that.
i wasnt really trying to become friends with him. i was just being polite and said hi.

you know it is a little akward when you see you new neighbor and neither of you say hi.
Old 02-28-2008, 02:49 PM
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Nah, all kiddin aside dude, he's just embarrassed as he "knows you know" bout his posing ways. You are the bleak reality in his life that he can't swing an AMG right now and he's gonna kinda hate you for it.

Kinda like an ex-flame moving next door to you. You are just waiting for that moment when she approaches you and ole lady and busts the whole thing wide open.

Now he's always gonna be worried about you busting him out in front of his friends, family etc.

Not much you can do at this point. It's his fault for posing his way through life. Maybe he will come clean and snag the real deal now.

Good luck man.
Old 02-28-2008, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Jakpro1
Nah, all kiddin aside dude, he's just embarrassed as he "knows you know" bout his posing ways. You are the bleak reality in his life that he can't swing an AMG right now and he's gonna kinda hate you for it.

Kinda like an ex-flame moving next door to you. You are just waiting for that moment when she approaches you and ole lady and busts the whole thing wide open.

Now he's always gonna be worried about you busting him out in front of his friends, family etc.

Not much you can do at this point. It's his fault for posing his way through life. Maybe he will come clean and snag the real deal now.

Good luck man.

and that is exactly why i am just dissapointed at the whole situation.
i mean...who likes to feel weired around their neighbors.
its like next time i see him, do i say hi, do i just ignore?

posers on the road are fun
posers next door are just sad
Old 02-28-2008, 03:05 PM
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W211 E55
Originally Posted by Jakpro1
Time to slip a college girl 50$ and have her call his wife claiming,

"I just can't take it anymore, I love him and I want to be with him all the time. I'M CARRYING HIS CHILD!"

Should see the moving van arriving within a week or so.
Now THAT'S funny.

Splurge an extra $20 for the tear-stained letter, and it's a done deal.....
Old 02-28-2008, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Jakpro1
Nah, all kiddin aside dude, he's just embarrassed as he "knows you know" bout his posing ways. You are the bleak reality in his life that he can't swing an AMG right now and he's gonna kinda hate you for it.

Kinda like an ex-flame moving next door to you. You are just waiting for that moment when she approaches you and ole lady and busts the whole thing wide open.

Now he's always gonna be worried about you busting him out in front of his friends, family etc.

Not much you can do at this point. It's his fault for posing his way through life. Maybe he will come clean and snag the real deal now.

Good luck man.

100% on the nose, Don't let it worry you, time will change the chill in the air.
Remember you never know when you will need your neighbor.

Can we all just get along, hell I have a fake montblanc pen my neighbor envies me for it.
Old 02-28-2008, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by CWW
I agree there are some positives to living here, mainly the weather, beaches, golf, and boating. But as soon as you get out of the retirement areas, like naples, boca, palm beach, etc., then you quickly find out that people have an attitude.

Customer service is dead and buried here. If you have a problem with anything, doesn't matter how minor it is, 9 times out of 10 the business you're dealing with will try to blame it on you instead of making it right. And the ones that don't just flat-out tell you to F* off will still make you do all their work for them to fix whatever problem you're having. Good service at a business or a restaraunt is the exception, not the norm.

The cops are d*cks and are completely out of control, regardless of which part of the state you're in. They dress up as bums or telephone repairmen so you don't spot their speed-traps, then they lie about how fast you were going to give you the maximum fine. That is, unless you're female, then they will let you off. If you go to court and they happen to show up, they will lie out their azz. There are more semi-trucks on the highways here than there are cars, and most of them are full of rocks or mulch or dirt that they don't bother securing, so that the paint on the front of your car looks like swiss cheese within 12 months of buying it. If you call them, they won't pay for it.

In the northern part of the state and the panhandle, you'll get cut off and yelled at in traffic by rednecks in trucks adorned with chrome-plated ballsacs and confederate flags, and plastered with 4-yr old "Bush/Cheney" bumperstickers and religious slogans. And no, I'm not kidding...someone actually makes a chrome-plated ballsac that hangs from truck trailer-hitches, and all the morons around here have one. About every day, there's one or two TV stories about road-rage where someone shot somebody else. That is, when the news isn't filled with stories about whatever pyramid-scheme or financial scam got exposed that day.

And while I'm on the subject, half of everything around here is a scam, because our state regulation of that stuff is nonexistent. TV channels are filled with commercials for *****-enlargement pills, magic weight-loss pills, herbal youth supplements, become a millionaire in 24 hours, etc., and on every streetcorner there are 100 yard signs advertising everything from "Credit Repair" to unlicensed home repair contractors to masters' "degrees" from non-accredited universities that nobody's ever heard of, on top of every pyramid scheme known to man.

Store clerks are downright nasty and most of them act like they're doing you a favor. They just tasered some woman in the best buy by my house, because she left and forgot her credit card and the 18yr old clerk with a 90 IQ assumed it was stolen. It wasn't. Google "Daytona BestBuy taser" if you don't believe me. And don't even get me started on Miami drivers, LOL. You can't even use turn signals down there, because they have the exact opposite effect...everybody will speed up to cut you off, so you may as well not bother giving them a heads-up.

In Jacksonville, where I go to school, I get asked for money pretty much every time I go to the grocery store or fill up with gas, and that's in what's supposed to be the "nice" neighborhood. And if you tell them no, they get all offended about it and have some snide remark waiting. At least that relieves any guilt I had about not giving them any, so I guess they're actually doing me a favor.

Our state and county legislatures are pretty much bought and paid-for by real estate developers and insurance companies, which naturally turn around and buy legislation that lets them do whatever they want to...which is normally screwing their customers. Most parking meters are only good for like 15 or 30 minutes, and there are usually more parking police around than real police.

Basically, this place has become tourist-central, and in response it seems like everything that developed has been engineered to scam people out of money. I was born here and have watched it change a LOT. It still has some nice areas, but it's heading downhill mighty quick, and lots of people are starting to move out of the populated areas like Miami and Orlando. If you guys from states where things are run pretty tightly, like MA, CA, NY, etc., came down and spent a year here you'd be amazed.

...but how do you really feel? Wow, i have to agree with a lot of what you said.
Old 02-28-2008, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by andy_meng1024
Put on a S65 AMG badge on your car and look at him the same way he did the next time you see him
Thats the go.
Old 02-28-2008, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by CWW
In Jacksonville, where I go to school, I get asked for money pretty much every time I go to the grocery store or fill up with gas, and that's in what's supposed to be the "nice" neighborhood. And if you tell them no, they get all offended about it and have some snide remark waiting. At least that relieves any guilt I had about not giving them any, so I guess they're actually doing me a favor.
And for the rare occasion when they say something kind after you tell them no, reconsider and give them a buck. The odds are pretty good that they won't be nice, but if they are then they earned it. Maybe more of them will take notice.
Old 02-28-2008, 04:22 PM
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We need a poser sticky thread

CLK 320 ///AMG

Old 02-28-2008, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by MiamiE55
...but how do you really feel? Wow, i have to agree with a lot of what you said.

Florida sux, you forgot to mention the cost of a beer here!
Old 02-28-2008, 05:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Jakpro1
Time to slip a college girl 50$ and have her call his wife claiming,

"I just can't take it anymore, I love him and I want to be with him all the time. I'M CARRYING HIS CHILD!"

Should see the moving van arriving within a week or so.
Old 02-28-2008, 06:09 PM
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Man, if there's two things I hate, it's liars and posers. I know a guy who I had considered a friend who turned out to be a big liar and A hole. I met him shortly after I got my F360. He bought a Challenge Stradale shortly after we met. So there's a group of us in the Bay Area and we all hung out together. As I got to know him, he started telling me stuff that I didn't realize later were complete lies. He was acting like he had tons of $$$. He said that he put a deposit on the Lambo Superleggera, and the GT3RS and a bunch of other stuff. At the time, I was like wow this guy is doing well for himself. Then my other buddies were talking and some of his stories didn't add up. So we did a little checking with the dealerships where he supposedly put a deposit. That's when I find out he never put a deposit on any of these cars. So I called him out on it. He lied again to me and my other friends by making up other ***** to cover up his lies. Later he claims he was a CFA on FerrariChat and I called him on that too. Turns out this guy was never a CFA after I did a little fact checking.

Last edited by tthoang1; 02-28-2008 at 06:35 PM.
Old 02-28-2008, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by moosejaw

Florida sux, you forgot to mention the cost of a beer here!
oh yea.. most places i go.. charge around 4-5.50 for a bottle of heineken.. thats why sometims i have to go with cheapo miller lite to replace that
Old 02-28-2008, 07:35 PM
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Nothing beats the taste of a ten dollar Heineken.
Old 02-28-2008, 07:49 PM
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LOL... you guys are extremely funny!

For the OP... NO WAY! I thought this only happened to Mustangs.

Haha... I don't have to save $30K more when I can just slap an AMG badge on a C230.

Last edited by Almo; 02-28-2008 at 07:53 PM.

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Quick Reply: not only a POSER, but also an A-HOLE

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