M-Class Based MLC To Battle BMW’s X6

M-Class Based MLC To Battle BMW’s X6

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Content provided by BenzInsider.com

Mercedes MLC Coupe Crossover 2014 587x352 M Class Based MLC To Battle BMWs X6

In a move that will cause rival BMW more than a few sleepless nights, Mercedes-Benz is being reported as moving forward with a new coupe crossover model that will bang heads squarely against the dismal-looking X6. Tentatively known as the MLC, this model will be built upon the M-Class platform, with the vehicle’s profile taking cues from Mercedes successful CLS styling. And styling is the operative word here, as Mercedes is reportedly favoring form over function for this crossover.

Dubious looks aside though, the X6 can be a mean performer, specially
in M guise, so Mercedes is tasking its AMG division to develop an AMG
version of the MLC, which would have around 550 horsepower torquing its
all-wheel drivetrain. That doesn’t mean though that the MLC won’t be
available with more fuel-efficient powerplants such as its frugal

Despite the paucity of information, the MLC could hit showrooms as a
2014 entry, with manufacturing located at its Alabama plant. Pricing
would be in the region of $85,000.

So, what do you think? Should the X6 be worried? Click here to voice your opinion at MBWorld’s Forums!

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