Upcoming SLK 55 AMG Proudly Features Cylinder Deactivation

Upcoming SLK 55 AMG Proudly Features Cylinder Deactivation

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Content provided by BenzInsider.com

The arrival of the new SLK 55 AMG is bigger news than normal, not just because this model has been a long time coming, but its slew of features foretell the types of technologies that will be coming down the pipeline from the luxury carmaker.

The new SLK is lighter, has carbon fiber trim that we’ve all come to
love and has the usual luxury refinements we expect from the breed. But
instead of highlighting its powerful engine or light chassis, Mercedes
has chosen to highlight the cylinder management system that the SLK 55
has been endowed with.

This system deactivates half of the cylinders in the Kompressor V8 when they’re not needed, resulting in a 30% reduction in fuel
consumption with a corresponding reduction in emissions. Using advanced
electronics and methodologies, Mercedes was able to activate and
deactivate the system in a mere 30 milliseconds, so that response is, in
their words, “immediate and imperceptible”.

Such pride in reducing horsepower in a sports car was unthinkable
then, but by making the system transparent to the driver, Mercedes’
engineers were able to retain the driving experience while providing
significant improvements in fuel economy and emissions output.

What do you think about the idea of reducing horsepower in a sports car? Is it genius or heresy? Voice your opinion here!

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