AMG-Powered Superbikes are Coming

AMG-Powered Superbikes are Coming

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Mercedes-AMG and MV Agusta

A few months ago, we told you Mercedes was potentially looking into purchasing the Italian motorcycle company MV Agusta. Now we know that Mercedes did indeed purchase a controlling 25 percent of the Italian company and pushed its leadership into their AMG division.

A few years back, Mercedes had developed a partnership with Ducati until VAG pushed the German manufacturer out by acquiring Ducati outright. Since then, the company has been looking into other high-end motorcycle brands to help diversify its portfolio.

According to Reuters, not only is MV Agusta receiving a much-needed influx of research and development money, but Mercedes is triumphing two-fold in the deal. Mercedes gets the addition of a premium motorcycle brand, thereby enhancing its portfolio, and the automaker acquires the potential to use MV Agusta’s already developed line of engines in the future for possible range extenders on Mercedes EVs.

While MV Agusta didn’t sell the 30 percent it was originally seeking back in July, that 25-percent stake will definitely help the continually beleaguered motorcycle manufacturer hopefully in terms of profitability.

In relation to Mercedes, the company has found it difficult as of late to compete with both BMW and VAG, just on the basis of the brand portfolio and overall income. The other two German manufacturers each have such diverse holdings that profitability and brand recognition are always in the public frame of mind, which makes both very successful. This addition will hopefully help with that; that is, if they can turn the bike company around starting with brand recognition.

While most bike enthusiasts know MV Agusta, the broad public doesn’t. Whereas Ducati has translated its racing prowess and exclusivity into sales and public recognition, MV Agusta has not. That’s where Mercedes-AMG comes into play.

Right now AMG is absolutely dominating the racing scene. In Formula 1 with three races to go, the team has already clinched both the driver’s and constructor’s championship. As a strategy to increase the company’s public awareness throughout the world, AMG needs to apply that same level of winning ability for MV Agusta within MotoGP. Hopefully from this deal, we will see some form of crazy AMG-powered superbike that takes on the new Kawasaki H2R.

It’s an interesting prospect with Mercedes acquiring MV Agusta: there are certainly pitfalls the company could fall into, but the possibility for growth between both companies is definitely promising. Only time will tell if this was the right decision. What do you think? Are you more likely to look at MV Agusta now that AMG will be controlling them?

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