Car Culture and K-Pop Collide in 2NE1 Music Videos

Car Culture and K-Pop Collide in 2NE1 Music Videos

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Heads up guys. This is the day where you’re love of automobiles finally connects to your raging passion for Korean Pop music. The girls have taste.

Let’s just sidestep the general lunacy of K-Pop music videos. Everyone breathing air right now has likely seen the Gangnam Style, so you at least have an idea of what to expect in terms of glitz and production. What 2NE1 adds to the package is a excellent car choices. They’re not the most prominent thing in any one their videos, but they are there if you’re paying attention. Their song “I AM THE BEST” features that SLS AMG.

Also, it features for Korean girls in punk outfits with M4 style rifles. So. If you’re into that…

The video for Falling in Love is slightly less ridiculous. There’s basketball! And… Someone with a gold plated G-Class. Don’t worry though! That’s not just completely out of the blue. One of the girls is also playing a solid gold Gameboy later in the video (where would you even get that?!)

So they’re cute girls with cars. I guess that’s not a new, but I still think they go out of their way to involve cars into their appeal. I mean the entire video for their song “Go Away” centers around a race between a Porsche Carrera track car and a E46 M3 track car. Also, it ends in flames.

Another one of their music videos is performed entirely around a Rolls Royce. Another one features a Lamborghini Diablo. Somewhere in the machine behind 2NE1’s considerable success is someone who like cars. I’d like to shake that guy’s hand before telling him to fit the S-Class Coupe into their next gig.

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