Mercedes Announces Two Models Forthcoming

Mercedes Announces Two Models Forthcoming

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To stick it to Porsche, Jag and BMW, Mercedes announced it will have two new vehicles coming out soon.

First off will be an entry-level version of the forthcoming AMG GT sports car. Set to take on the likes of the Porsche 911 and the new Jaguar F-Type, the AMG GT was thought to have been only powered by the new “hot V” turbocharged V8, but new reports coming out of Mercedes point to a smaller engine — potentially a turbo V6 to swap into the new GT car. What is also possible is that Mercedes could use a detuned version of the V8 as well.

Secondly, Mercedes will be going after the quirky BMW i3. Right now, no guarantee has been made by the company on whether they will use an existing chassis for the new car, or completely build a brand-new car. Mercedes did state the preference at the moment would be to build something from the ground up.


What’s particularly interesting are the time frames, or rather, the lack thereof. The AMG GT S is scheduled to launch in October, but no word on whether the entry-level version has any timetable close to that first unveiling. It seems Mercedes is missing out on a great opportunity by not unveiling the two GT’s together, or at least spacing them apart by only a few months. I know they want all the attention on the V8, but if that’s the case, why make an entry-level version at all?

And for the EV, there is no timetable at all, which is good. Why? Because they are extremely difficult to do, but since Daimler secured a partnership with Tesla a little bit ago, they might be a bit more ahead of the curve than other brands.

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