Terrifying Semi-Trailer Crash Testing Proves Collision Avoidance Tech’s Worth

Terrifying Semi-Trailer Crash Testing Proves Collision Avoidance Tech’s Worth

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It might just be a crash test dummy in the wrecks below, but watching the back of a semi-truck completely decapitate a car is still one of the scariest visuals a driver can ever watch. Anybody who spends time on the highway knows semis are the big-bad giants of the road, and one small mistake, one moment of not paying attention, could result in a potentially fatal crash.

Before you dismiss this as another boring lab video, at least check out the first couple minutes. It takes a look at how semi-trucks have changed in various attempts to prevent or eliminate the potential for these deadly rear-end collisions. It starts back in the ’70s and works its way forward, giving you an idea of how the new designs and additions have helped.

The video is also a great reminder of what newer car camera and sensor technology can help eliminate. Whether its Subaru Eyesight or Drive Pilot from Mercedes-Benz, the push for autonomous driving started with the car’s ability to recognize vehicles in front of you and understand when there’s a sudden change in speed, specifically when you’re not braking appropriately. Not everybody trusts computers and all the technology yet, but at least understand that it certainly is helping prevent accidents, and could potentially be saving lives in situations like this.

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Via [YouCar]

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