Photos of the Week: Fawning over Fall

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As grudging as I am to admit it, and as hard as it is for you to read it, summer is over. BUT, even though the days of my short-shorts, toe socks, flip-flops and tank tops are coming to a disappointing end, we have the wonderful colors of fall here to comfort us.

This week’s installment of Photos of the Week would have included some fantastic photos of me in the aforementioned ensemble strolling through Mercedes dealerships, but alas, my editor stumbled across some lovely shots by odonnks of his C63 out in aforementioned fall colors.

That said, I must grudgingly admit that these photos are both better to look at, and more worthy of the title “Photos of the Week”. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the last bit of civilized weather as fall rolls in — in style … or if you’re from some place that is hot all year around, have a couple laughs at us and enjoy the pretty colors.

Fall upon the forum. >>

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