Wimmer C63 Will Blow Out Your Ears and Rip Out Your Eyes

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Wimmer Mercedes C63 AMG

The old saying goes, “wagons are cool, but wagons with 650 horsepower are way cooler.” Wait, that might not be a real saying… Well, whatever, I’ll make it a saying, because it’s true. Fast wagons are some of the coolest cars on the planet. They combine speed, practicality, and the ability to take your best friends along for a drive to warp speeds. They’re just plain great.

That’s why the Wimmer Mercedes C63 AMG is the coolest wagon out there right now. Tuned by Wimmer Rennsporttechnik in Germany, the standard C63 AMG wagon’s engine has been bumped up to put down a staggering amount of horsepower. 650 horsepower to be exact.

The result is an angry, nasty sounding devil of a machine that will tear out your eyes, blow out your ears, then drive you and your friends to the hospital where it will perform surgery on you, reattach all your parts, and then blow them out again. All of which will be totally worth it.

Don’t believe me? Just watch and envy the lucky jerk that’s driving this hellion in the video below.

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