Mercedes Owner Wins Jerk of the Year Award

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Dear MBWorld readers,

We all know that Mercedes is a great company. They make great automobiles, and some fantastic sports cars. They can be loud, brash, or the cushiest places in the known universe. They do not, however, make you an effing God among all men.

This little social experiment, produced by YouTube star fouseyTube, popped up yesterday and already has over 3 million views. It shows a man attempting to flip the scenario of a homeless person asking for handouts. In the video below, the man poses as a homeless person who’s actually trying to give other people money.

It’s a rather interesting study that’s met with a surprising amount of hostility. However, it’s the guy in the Mercedes that wins the Jerk of the Year award.

The host was just trying to help this guy out with a little cash for parking, and he was met with the dumbest comeback I’ve ever heard in my life. Not only does the jerk get the designation of his car wrong (he calls it a C-Class when it’s really an E-Class), but he continues and … well, just watch and be amazed at how humanity is a cesspool of idiots.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [fouseyTUBE]

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