True or True: The Red Pig Is One of the Best Car Nicknames Ever

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Nicknames need to come naturally. Something or someone can’t give itself the nickname, yet its characteristics provide the inspiration for the affectionate replacement. Chicago is called “The Windy City” because it’s flippin’ windy. Tim Duncan is called “The Big Fundamental” because he’s large and all about the simple core foundations of the game of basketball. And the 1971 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL 6.8 is called the “The Red Pig” because it was a red four-door sedan with a massive engine that devoured resources and stared at you with its snouty face.

When the car debuted at the 1971 24 Hours of Spa, it was among cars like the Ford Capris, the Alfa Romeo GTA, the BMW CS, and the Chevy Camaro. In other words, coupes with engines half the size. The 6.8-liter Benz looked like it didn’t belong, yet it still took second place overall.

The car is an icon, and a major point in history for AMG. But what we’re really celebrating here on this Throwback Thursday is when Jalopnik honored The Red Pig as one of the best nicknamed rides ever, along with cars like Godzilla, the Clown Shoe, the Bug, and the Jeep.

We know the Hammer should have made this list, but are there any other cars with great names you can think of?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Jalopnik]

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