Man Tracks Down Stolen Mercedes With Phone App

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Not that we’d ever advise using a tracker app to locate your Mercedes-Benz if stolen, but hearing about someone safely pulling it off certainly brings a smile to our face.

The incident happened in Bradford, England to 27-year-old Hassan Liaquat, whose C250 was stolen from his driveway when he was asleep, according to a USA Today report. After reporting the incident to police, Liaquat wound up getting a tracker app from his car dealership to download on his phone. And lo and behold, the thing worked.

Liaquat eventually wound up tracking his Mercedes down to a locked unit where he could hear the car door opening and locking when he pressed the fob. It was then that he called the proper authorities, who eventually opened up the locked facility.

The thieves had already started stripping the Mercedes. But thanks to that trusty app, Liaquat was able to avoid a lot of the much deeper pain that often comes when your vehicle is stolen, like never seeing it again.

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Via [USA Today]

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