London: smart Cars Get Congestion Charge Exemption

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The smart fortwo CDI

Green automaker smart, a subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz, has announced recently that the London congestion charge won’t affect the fortwo CDI and MHD models. That’s because these newer smart cars meet the Euro 5 emissions standards, and are thus given a full discount on the charge via the Greener Vehicle Discount.

With the softip transmission, the CDI (which is good for 54 bhp)
emits a mere 86 g/km of CO2. The MHD (71 bhp), when on the same
transmission, gets a relatively modest 97 g/km of CO2. Still, those
numbers are more than enough to qualify those smart models for the

The new rules to the Greener Vehicle Discount are applicable on the 4th of January next year.

“This development recognises the importance that smart places on
lowering emissions and we are delighted that this total exemption from
the London Congestion Charge enhances the already frugal running costs
of smart and makes the brand even more attractive for driving in the
capital city,” said Mercedes-Benz Cars UK’s managing director Gary

This means that drivers who want to make the transition to green
vehicles can do so at better value. Thanks to this exemption, owners of
these CDI and MHD models will shave off as much as £2,500 or $3,900

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