MBWorld Activity Stream… Live Beta!

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Hey guys and gals, here at MBWorld we’re always trying to improve your experience to allow you to enjoy more of the content that this community has to offer. To that end, we’re going to be rolling out a new product called… you guessed it, “Activity Stream.”

In its simplest terms it’s like your Facebook feed: You get to see the what people are posting in chronological order up to the most recent post. Now don’t freak out, because it’s not replacing anything, it will only supplement our current format to allow you to see what’s happening at that moment. We’re super-proud of this addition and think you’ll like it too.

Check out the Beta version here.

You can read a more in-depth description and leave your comments here.

We’d love your feedback and opinions… Thanks in advance!

Activity Stream Beta: https://mbworld.org/forums/vbtimeline.php

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 05:25 AM.