[Dash-Cam Video] Mercedes-Benz E-Class Gets Hit by Two Trains, Driver Survives

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Two Trains Hit Mercedes-Benz Amid Police Pursuit (2)

If you’re traveling in an automobile, conventional wisdom says your life is over if a train hits you, so what are the odds of surviving a car collision with two trains? Impossible, right?


A woman in Utah has recently proven you can survive a car accident involving two trains. Perhaps it helped that she was using a Mercedes-Benz E-Class to get away from the cops, or maybe she was really lucky. The 29-year-old not only survived, but also was able to walk away from the incident, and a broken arm is all she has to show for it.

See how it all went down in the video below.

via [LiveLeak]

Two Trains Hit Mercedes-Benz Amid Police Pursuit (3)

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